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Bernie's Importance: []

Krish55 8 Oct 1
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This health scare may have sidelined him . But he has awaken the Democratic Party, and that is very good .

GEGR Level 7 Oct 2, 2019

He is important but I will vote for anyone to unseat this Orange asshole

bobwjr Level 10 Oct 2, 2019

I prefer Warren. Bernie had his shot and Biden is just a spoiler who has had multiple shots and always misses. Whatever happened to the plagiarism charges that made him drop out before??


Blue, no matter who . For Fuck's sake, a God Damned Dead Dog would be better than this Orange Bag of Fucking Dog Shit .

GEGR Level 7 Oct 1, 2019

When did a tectonic shift happen in American politics in the last 50 years? We don't have FDRs any more.

Bernie will not be elected. We have to stop him from doing any more damage to the Democratic Party. He should run as an independent.

St-Sinner Level 9 Oct 1, 2019

Protecting the corporate Democratic party is not the point...

Defeat the Supreme Court decision of Citizens United and all Democrats will stop corporate funding. Can you pass the law? Can anyone? The answer is No. Therefore we must go to war with everything we've got and win. We cannot be Bernie, the Idealist and lose.

Bernie has allowed being labeled the entire Democratic Party 'Socialist'. The label has stuck because the Republicans have successful labeled him and the entire party as 'socialist.' Our great party of FDR should have no place for radicals.

@slydr68 Bernie has brought the label upon himself and unfortunately on the Democratic Party which is not his party to begin with. He does not belong here. We will not allow the party to be hijacked by radicals.

Radical younger generation does not have the majority, not all young are on board with Bernie. It is a myth.

Today's update - Bernie has 2 stents inserted in his heart. That loses votes immediately. It is time for him to go to a retirement home.


Bernie Sanders has done a terrible damage to the message of the Democratic Party as the party of the fair, compassion and justice that stands for equality and civil & human rights. Bernie has engineered that label to see as we want socialism. We are now radical. we are now crazy. The damage is done.

We want it all, we want justice,, we want all free, we want fairness, we want zero racism, we want no lobbying, we do not wars and we do not want Citizens vs United. Yes, all sounds very nice, very appealing and very sexy. And yes, some countries in the world are doing it already.

But Is Bernie selling dreams or pot to American voters? How the heck is he planning to deliver all to American people? Do we have the Senate? Will we win the Senate in 2020? The answer to both is NO. We have not been able to get the easy national infrastructure bill passed in the last 11 years that both parties agree on. How is he going to deliver on any of his promises? Or is he taking us for fools just to get to the damn White House?

Elizabeth Warren today said she would tax the teeth out of corporate lobbying by taxing all lobbying and PACs to fund all federal agencies who oversee corporate behavior. A pie in the sky again? Whaaaat? How is she planning to get these impossible bills passed?

Can anyone tell how he or she will get the bills passed?

@slydr68 Your place or mine?

@St-Sinner You are welcome to join a Democratic group and comment there. This is a group for socialists.

@Krish55 the name says it is for progressives. Being a progressive does not mean buying Bernie's bullshit

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