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Why is it that Russian oligarchs are called out as such, but we don't call out US oligarchs? Is it just because we want to keep up the facade of a democracy so we deny their existence?

JonnaBononna 7 Nov 13
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Please pardon voice text typos . You are absolutely right about the facade of democracy! That word is not mentioned once in the Constitution yet pipe dreamers use it all the time in reference to our very weak representative Republic that was deliberately sabotaged by our founding fathers when they met behind closed doors and created the Electoral College as a bulwark against We the People. They did that in response to two huge tax rebellions that took place immediately after the revolution. These were Daniel Shays Rebellion and the whiskey tax Rebellion. In 1776 the only British tax still in effect here was the penny a cup Tea Tax, and only rich people drink then rare and Exotics Tea from the island of Ceylon. But as soon as the last red coat was driven from our Shores by French and American troops , our new power elite increased taxes in some places by as much as ten thousand percent!


Fake news like Rachel MADDcow won't call BILLARY and Biden crime families oligarch puppets by the bribes they spend by the millions....Rick Perry Texas oligarch oil&nuke puppet....ExxonMobil oligarchs Armand Hammer Soviet and Amarada Hess oligarch since 1919.....Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton oligarchs PLANTATION oligarch George Washington... Andrew Carnegie steel oligarch Henry Ford vehicle oligarch J Paul Getty oligarch George Soros oligarch Mayor Bloomberg oligarch TrumpOLINI golf hotel sports airline Miss Universe oligarch WalMart family oligarchs Billy Graham family weapons mega millionaire oligarchs with bibles Putin wears a crucifix Adelson Las Vegas weapons oligarch Mittless Romney Rambler Staples corporate raider oligarch of Michigan Massachusetts and Utah on decaf Rrrruussshhah dingy Crazy GREEDY LIMPboss radio cult liar dittoheads oligarch Sean Slammity radio TV fake news oligarch....please add your nearest oligarch to this list like owner ChiKKK filthy A food oligarch bigot
...Ross Perot was an oligarch


The US oligarchy is the most powerful. Probably also the most evil.


Pretty much, and the facade that we're a Class Fluid society as well.

Charlene Level 9 Nov 13, 2019

In the U.S., you will hear about Russian oligarchs. In Russia, you will hear about the American. Every country paints itself righteous. There are no human rights abuse by the U.S. It is always the other country, especially a 3rd world country. America thinks Iran is evil, Iran thinks America is evil. The reason beneath all this is ... "False Pride." Each place does not own its shit. It is always the other guy (behind the tree). Every country has that problem just like an individual does.

St-Sinner Level 9 Nov 13, 2019

Spot on with your observation!!!!


John Mayer song that is pretty much dead on:


Lucy_Fehr Level 8 Nov 13, 2019

Love it!


I empathize with Trump and others' attempts to befriend Russia. We need to stop the hypocrisy of hating them and not hating our leaders who do the same greedy, throat-cutting things. It's almost like Trump sees the good in the evil leaders...which can be a good thing.

Robecology Level 9 Nov 13, 2019

@dan325 I don't think you understand my empathy. I'm sad because his stupidity seems so innate...but I sincerely hope America wakes up to the fact that Trump must be removed as POTUS.

I would like nothing better than to be rid of DJT.

As Dan Rather just pointed out on MSNBC, the last 3 impeachments were for trivial reasons compared to Trump's attempts to enlist international cooperation for national control...vis-a-vis his re-election.

I hope he's removed and incarcerated soon...but I know the blind and delusional pro-Trump senate won't let it happen....and their profound trickery could end up with his re-election.

As my image implies; "once you accept that he's not on our side everything makes sense". This man, our dangerous...and needs to be removed ASAP.

I just think that there's a huge number of ignorant supporters in America that might not let this happen.


The oligarchs in the US control the medi, and don't bad-mouth themselves; it's the same way in Russia. The media leads the sheep, and they, the sheep, didn't criticize their oligarchs either. However, dissidents in both countries do criticize the elite.

EdEarl Level 8 Nov 13, 2019

Think Noam Chomsky


That simple!!

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