Holy Mole! When ever I get this excited about economics, I walk out the door of my Apartment bldg., follow the sidewalk and wait for the city bus. (All suffering under the dead hand of government.) I wait a while at the bus stop sign (paid for with your taxes). The driver (deprived of all initiative by his city salary) is friendly and very competent. She or he follows the publicly paid for paved street until we get to the city library. There in the library I have the freedom to read books and magazines about the wonders of capitalism vs the horrors of socialism.
I am not good with the computer so forgive me if I fail with the attachment I will attempt to add here.
A local legislator stated that the Constitution permits him to shoot Socialists. No wonder Montana has a questionable reputation. (You may remember our member in congress assaulted a reporter the eve of the last election and was elected any way. He is now running for Governor.)
Ok, I'm stuck in the 19th century. I guess if you want to see just how stupid people can be you'll have to search for the Billings Gazette and read the opinion page.
Billings Gazette 2/4/20
Leapin Lizzards!! I never expected to cause so much excitement. As far as I know there onlly a few religious communities are close to being purely Socialist. However even Hutterites have capitalist moments. I like go to farmers markets and buy vegetables and bread from them. They are the first to say that it is hard to live under their system and not everyone can manage it. That said they have colonized a great deal of largely unproductive land and been very successful. They have been around for several hundred years.
I do not know of any society that is even close to being purely capitalist. (Feel free to enlighten me.)
Communities that prosper are usually ones that mix socialist and capitalist practices without worrying too much about doctrinaire labels.
Karl, thank you for your satire. The problem is that we often get brainwashed right wing trolls who use similar phrases. This is what produced the unfortunate negative reactions.
Please don't let these initial negative reactions deter you from submitting similar satire again.
I think anyone who wants to check out a book from a library should first have to build it, then fill it with book only he can check out. Someone else wants to read they would have to do the same thing. That is freedom of choice to read anything you want.
Karl, don't be discouraged by the reactions -- just have to gauge your audience better. I once wrote an ironic letter to a newspaper editor thinking it was a masterpiece of subtlety too. He edited it so that I sounded the opposite of what I intended. I got death threats over the phone from people whom I thought were on my side, but they were too thick to get it because they only understood unimaginative vitriol in monosyllables. Even if you advance to being the world's greatest satirist -- the Swift or Hazlitt of your day -- you will be misunderstood hated in your own time, often even by admirers: one thing you have to bear in mind.
Very funny! Really!
Guys, Karl is being ironic. Re-read what he wrote. It actually satirizes those who criticize socialism while benefiting from aspects of it…
That's the way I understood it too.
@OwlInASack Quite the opposite. It's good satire. Good satire gets you thinking the author is for real until you reflect on the clues that indicate otherwise.
@karl: there are other places you can go to commit social suicide. Please go away and leave us thinking people alone!
My hypothesis is that Karl grew up hating the name at recess - Karl of the Marx brothers?, and thus has a need to vent on anything with a word whispered like socialism.
you are spot on!
No ,public transit is suffering under the hand of revaunchist capitalism..those sidewalks are based on the same Socialist ideas as is the bus as is the library..do take your whinny snowflake,strongman loving ass to Russia..after all Drump has a Bromance with him.
My understanding is that libraries were donated to the public from profits made from the 'wonders' of capitialism but I never thought their content was determined by any prevailing political-economic system.
Public libraries are paid for through taxes..it's therefore a Socialist concept.
Carnegie, made large donations to build libraries all over the country.
@karl What's your point?
I did see you mention something about the "horrors of socialism"...this meme is for you!
My point, if there was one, was (is) to point out the silliness of of rigid ideologies. Be they left, right; up, down or tangential.
By way of asuaging hurt leftist feelings. Regardless of what ever happens with Bernie's political life, I think he did the country a huge service by making socialism an acceptable part of political discourse in this country.
Some of you may remember the Dukakis campaign in which George Bush managed to stifle political discussion by making "liberal" a dirty word.
@karl Sorry that you're having a hard time comprehending what a democratic Socialist is...or what a liberal is. I hope these help you...
Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. [consortiumnews.com]
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