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Bernie's winning in Nevada. The improbable is becoming likely. Even in the midst of dark depression it lightens my heart.

Theresa_N 8 Feb 23
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He won with 54% of the vote..💗💗💗💗💗

Charlene Level 9 Feb 23, 2020

Theresa I hope you are right. New religious freedom laws ensure bigotry and discrimination in the name of religious freedom. In short if you have a business religion should not be a factor in any discision.


Just hold on there... Pragmatic is my middle name.

Candidates who won Nevada primary but lost presidency.....

  1. Hillary Clinton
  2. Mitt Romney
  3. John McCain
  4. John Kerry
  5. Al Gore
  6. Bob Dole
  7. Mike Dukakis
  8. Walter Mondale

Conclusion.... Hold your horses. Be real. Nevada victory means nothing just like Biden winning the upcoming South Carolina will mean nothing. Don't jump up and down too much yet and hurt your knees because Bernie will not be president. The strength of candidacy in the general will matter a lot. Bernie is a disasterous candidate in the general. Remember St. Sinner told you this here and today.

St-Sinner Level 9 Feb 23, 2020

Pragmatic? Yes, you adapt between loathing progressive politics and really loathing progressive politics. Funny.


Here's some of my best pro-Bernie stuff. Three are items I bought...but this isn't spam...I make no $$ telling you about's just my sincere hope he becomes POTUS and that the progressives make a dominant sweep in politics this fall. Click on the image to see where to buy the pin, or clock.

Robecology Level 9 Feb 23, 2020

I see the clock and pin didn't make it...not sure why....I'll re=post...if they "disappear I'll get it...


Go Bernie!


If Bernie can win fighting against the corrupt Democratic Party, the anti- progressive corporate media, the US Ruling Class and its military-industrial-corporate-security agency complex, and the Republican Party, then I might just start believing in miracles. I fear what they might do to stop him. The power structures in the are and have always been ruthless.

David1955 Level 8 Feb 23, 2020

Why do you say the democratic party is corrupt? That's Trump propaganda...

@Cutiebeauty really? Ever heard Bernie on the Democratic party? Or progressives generally. The 2016 election corruptly skewing it for Hillary. The billionaires who have it behind the scenes. Allowing Bloomberg to compete, changing the rules. On it goes. Progressives are waiting to see what dirty tricks the party powerbrokers will use to stop Bernie. I don't know what your definition of corrupt is, but it fits mine. And Bernie is not even really part of this party, but an independent. These aren't Trump talking points but progressive talking points.

@David1955 Bernie should not be running as a Democrat if he has such low expectations of them. He’s not a Democrat so why act like they should have any loyalty to him?

@Killtheskyfairy I could care less about loyalty to the Democratic party. I care about politicians having loyalty to us and not their corporate donors. The Democratic party doesn’t want Bernie running as an independent because they know he would split the vote. They don’t want him to win as a Democrat because the DNC corporate donors can’t stand him because he would cost them money. Bernie runs as a Democrat because he has caucused with them for decades, and the two party's have a stranglehold on this country.

@Rudy1962 I didn’t say anything about having loyalty to Democratic Party. I said why is Bernie running again as a Democrat if they are so corrupt? Why? All his bros expecting foul play after claiming there was shenanigans last time sounds like the definition of insanity.

@Killtheskyfairy That would be the part of the two party system having a stranglehold on this country. Also, I don’t think Bernie wants to run as an independent and split the vote, and give Trump the vote. You do realize a lot of women support Bernie? It’s a cheap shot to try and paint us, his supporters, as misogynists.

You ever heard trump constantly refer to democrats as corrupt? He says it all the time.. It's trump propaganda, plain and simple.. The truth is, all politicians are corrupt...

@Rudy1962 your reply is typical of the bros. Attack, insult and try to claim that I’m smearing you rather than answer. I caucused for Bernie in 2016 and saw the misogyny in person so don’t try to tell me that was not part of their campaign against Hillary and now against Warren. I don’t trust Bernie and I’m not voting for him.

@Killtheskyfairy When did I insult you?

@Rudy1962 Gaslighting now?

@Killtheskyfairy oh i think they didn't want him to run an Independent but as an unsuccessful democratic runner. Keep your friends close but your enemies closer, you see. But dang it, he's winning. Time for plan B: dirty tricks.

@Killtheskyfairy and the alternative to get on the ticket would be.........?

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