MAGA Host and Rep. Biggs Claim Biden Using Soy Products to 'Feminize' the Military
During an interview with US Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) on Real America's Voice, conservative television host Anna Perez suggested that the Biden Administration is using “woke food items” like soy products to “feminize” and “weaken” the United States military. Biggs agreed, adding “Yeah, you're right, Anna - it is a weakening and it changes the culture.” Biggs has been identified by Cassidy Hutchinson as one of the congressmen who reached out to her regarding requesting a pardon following the Jan. 6th attack.
Well, thanks for explaining it all Anna and Andy! Now, it’s all finally making sense to me. Frankly, I always suspected soy sauce might be some sort of bio-weapon. That said, even if it’s true that the Biden Administration is trying to “feminize” our military with “woke soy products,” all the military needs to do to overcome that - is simply take Tucker Carlson’s advice and have soldiers “tan their testicles.”
Besides, all isn’t lost. In fact, word has it that after he heard about the interview, former President Donald Trump plans to make an announcement at his next hate rally, proclaiming that if he’s re-elected - he will immediately put an end to all soy farming in the United States. That means all you traitorous libtards had better drink your fill of those “sissy soy lattes" now, because after 2024, “there ain’t gonna be no more of ‘em.”
Now, what really astounds me is there are folks who actually still believe we should be striving for bipartisan cooperation with these lunatic QAnon freaks. I mean, who in the hell would want to reach across the aisle to work with someone who belongs in an asylum? The thing is, at some point we’re gonna need to ask ourselves some really tough questions, like “does the country actually have enough strait-jackets for all these psychopaths?”
Naturally, some of you may ask - “Just how dumb do you have to be, to actually believe all this nonsense?” Well, the answer is - you must be MAGA-dumb, which is essentially the same as “Free-dumb.” Of course, no one actually votes for a Republican candidate because they think GOP candidates are smart. People vote Republican - because Republicans hate all the same people they do.
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Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []
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