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Biden Offers Mass Pardon for Folks Convicted of Marijuana Possession

The Washington Post reports that President Biden has just announced major steps toward decriminalizing marijuana possession, offering mass pardons for anyone convicted of a federal crime for simple marijuana possession, and urging governors to do the same. He also directed his administration to expedite a review of whether marijuana should continue to be listed as a Schedule I substance, a classification reserved for the most dangerous drugs like heroin, and ecstasy.

Well, well, well! It seems Dark Branden has struck again. I guess this is Joe Biden’s idea of a “Green New Deal.” Not surprisingly, this news immediately sent Republicans’ heads spinning, with Fox News pundits acting as if this “pot pardon” will mean the end of western civilization as we know it. Gee, funny how Republicans totally freak out over “pardons for pot,” yet have no problem at all with Trump’s “pardons for treason.” That’s right, I’m looking at you, Steve Bannon and Gen. Mike Flynn!

Frankly, I think MAGAs are just pissed Biden didn’t include their favorite drugs - opiates and meth. Not to mention, authorities in red states will now have to struggle to invent new excuses to arrest minorities. Of course, there is always jaywalking, but they’d better move fast on that, because some states like California have already moved to make that legal too. Why, it’s almost enough to make Republican politicians sell all their “private prison stock.” One thing’s for sure, this should settle any dispute as to who’s the real POTus.

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johnnyrobish 8 Oct 7
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EXcellent!! Not trying to give the MAGAs any new cruel ideas but I am sort of surprised they haven't tried putting the for profit prison system on the commodities exchange.

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