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Marjorie Taylor Greene Calls Alex Jones’ Sandy Hook Awards ‘Attack on Free Speech’

After a Sandy Hook jury announced a nearly $1 billion award against InfoWars’ Alex Jones in a civil trial in Connecticut, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) took to Twitter to rage against the decision, suggesting that the trial is a “violation of his First Amendment rights.” The jury found Jones used his InfoWars show to repeatedly portray the 2012 school shooting as a “false flag operation staged by the government,” a claim which led his supporters to stalk, harass, and threaten parents of the slain students for years to come.

My, my! Now, we all know what a prolific legislator Rep. Greene is. Perhaps the good congresswoman should consider introducing legislation to “eliminate all liable laws?” That said, I do understand the point she’s making, which is basically this - it’s time all this accountability crap comes to an end. No conservative should ever be held responsible for what they say. Hell, if a fella like Jones can get sued over a few vicious lies about murdered children and their grieving parents, then next thing you know - conservatives could be forced to start telling the truth about everything. That could spell the end of the Republican Party as we know it. If you don’t believe me, just ask Mitch McConnell.

Putting all of that aside though, I still can’t help but wonder - could this actually be the very same Marjorie Taylor Greene who once threatened the Huffington Post with “Your freedom of press is not freedom to lie about me.” Strange how feelings can change so dramatically under different circumstances and with different players. The funny thing is, her good pal Donald Trump sues almost everyone who disagrees with him. Now, I know some of you are gonna say “Hey, go easy on Marjorie Taylor Greene. After all, she ate a helluva lot of lead paint when she was a young girl.” Well, as they say, then maybe its time “she gets the lead out of it!”

Anyway, the way I see it, the lesson here for Mr. Jones and his InfoWars sycophants is - speech is still free, it’s just those “friggin’ lies” that are going to cost you. Guess it’s goodbye to all those fancy cars, bigass mansions, and megayachts. You see, it seems this Sandy Hook jury has a right to free speech also, and they’ve chosen just one simple word - “Guilty!” Poor Alex! Hey, I’ve got an idea for Mr. Jones. Why not ask Elon Musk to bail you out of this mess? After all, he’s become such a “Free-Speech” advocate, that he’s buying Twitter. What’s a billion or so to a guy like him?

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johnnyrobish 8 Oct 13
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Jones has no defense and there was no way he could claim defense for his wrong and deliberately damaging remarks about a very real school shooting. At best Jones will now have to constantly be paying attorneys so this is going to cost him. Free speech?? We always had the ability to claim anything didn't we? MTG is just nutz. Simply nutz.

DenoPenno Level 9 Oct 13, 2022

MTG has absolutely no idea what she is talking about, as usual.

anglophone Level 9 Oct 13, 2022

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