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Western Leaders Privately Say Ukraine Can’t Win the War

The German and French leaders have told Ukraine they must seek peace with Russia in exchange for a post-war defense pact, according to a report in The Wall Street Journal.

Western leaders privately told Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky that Ukraine can not win the war against Russia and that it should begin peace talks with Moscow this year in exchange for closer ties with NATO.

The private communications are at odds with public statements from Western leaders who routinely say they will continue to support Ukraine for as long as it takes until it achieves victory on the battlefield.


Exchange for closer ties to NATO? In other words. The governments of western corporations will manage a peace deal with Russia in regards to keeping their investment secure after the country's sell off by president Zelensky a month ago.

{“The public rhetoric masks deepening private doubts among politicians in the U.K., France and Germany that Ukraine will be able to expel the Russians from eastern Ukraine and Crimea, which Russia has controlled since 2014, and a belief that the West can only help sustain the war effort for so long, especially if the conflict settles into a stalemate, officials from the three countries say.

‘We keep repeating that Russia mustn’t win, but what does that mean? If the war goes on for long enough with this intensity, Ukraine’s losses will become unbearable,’ a senior French official said. ‘And no one believes they will be able to retrieve Crimea.’}

Anyone who has been paying attention and following the more informative sources of this war, much of what is highlighted above, and basically the rest, have been parr for the course for some time now. I'll admit, again, I was mistaken in regards to Russia's invasion propaganda heading into Feb of last year. I didn't really think the western governments were so stupid as to allow this scenario to go into actually drawing Putin into a full fledged war. They know the capabilities of Russia and her people from centuries of history. Every great army and leader of have had their asses handed to them for many centuries past. Even after having reached into her depths. It's like backing a large rabid dog into a corner and thinking you're going to win a fight with it without a weapon.

It WILL take a WWlll scenario to even have a slight chance of accomplishing such a feat of bringing her down to the image of their dreams. Even if such were to happen, her people and surrounding republics, past and present allies, would provide a never ending atmosphere of torment within a resistance. The same as the local militia of the Donbass regions served Kiev for 8 years despite being heavily out gunned and over maned. Highly resembling Vietnam and currently the Middle East. In regards to the Middle East, the monster they created will never go away. So much so they and that monster are essentially off and on allies of western governments today. It resembles bad relationships of a couple who can't decide whether to fight each other or fuck each other. So they do both where love finds no common ground to be built on.The relationship is based purely on benefits which can go astray at any given moment until one or both can manufacture another beneficial means. All the while they are constantly fucking each other over. Those that make up their armies and the effected citizenship fund our own ultimate price in blood and tax dollars.

The war was essentially a stalemate approximately 6 months ago. Russia has virtually accomplisher her goals. Crimea overwhelmingly voted to rejoin the Russian federation and is now safe and well protected. The Donbass regions have been basically denazified along with 2 other regions, also these 4 regions overwhelmingly voted to rejoin the Russian federation. From the day Russian troops abandoned the deceptive fake move towards Kiev to keep vast numbers of Ukrainian troops near, the lines essentially remained as is. Putin wants no part of the fascist contaminated western regions of Ukraine. It would be a detrimental mistake to take into his hands and country the atmosphere of an insurgency that has an 80 year building history backed and funded by western governments. The western indoctrinated citizens will have to live in the atmosphere that has lost all it senses in regards of democracy and freedom under high austerity measures and no rights. They are essentially slaves to western corporations now. And they're losing hundreds of slaves each day on the front lines currently. Have I mentioned how armies tend to get their asses handed to them when pressing Russia? Recycling that.Their oligarchs and leaders have and are currently enriching themselves in which many will leave the country they tore apart. It will all be a matter of who will be allowed to avoid the crimes and who will be assimilated into the next project. Look for some curious deaths to come. They will come. There are many truths that need to be kept for as long as possible.

{Macron told Zelensky “he had been a great war leader, but that he would eventually have to shift into political statesmanship and make difficult decisions,” the newspaper reported.}

That may be a death sentence for the president. I'm not to sure the top leaders of the Nazi's are going to be happy with just some small measures of wealth. They were looking for something a lot bigger.

{After a year of war, Western leaders appear now to be turning to a realist approach. Macron, for instance, at the Munich Security Conference dismissed any talk of regime change in Moscow.

Washington has not commented on the Journal‘s story about the peace talks-for-arms proposal. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken last month discussed with The Washington Post arming Ukraine post-war but he did not say that Ukraine should seek peace talks.}

Over the past couple of months I've drawn attention to the affiliations of Ukraine's Nazi's after WWll being spread out around the globe, their underground movement in the US, in which during the Reagan era they began moving into the US government. [] Europe has been paying the highest price for this war economically, outside of Africa that is. DC has our country up to our necks with these fascist. It seems DC is now stuck between pissing off Europe or pissing off a large lobbying sector of fascist within our country that had high hopes in Ukraine. It can't go well either way. But just remember Nuland's words. Fuck the EU she said.

{For Moscow, Mercouris said, Ukraine’s demilitarization is an “absolute, existential matter.” If Ukraine is going to get even more advanced weapons from NATO after the war as opposed to what it would get “whilst the war is still underway, then it makes even less sense” for Russia “to stop the war and agree to this plan.”

Russia is facing a “weakening adversary now,” Mercouris said, and Moscow clearly prefers that to facing a “strengthened adversary later.” }

Putin isn't going to make the same mistake twice. He's battled through 8 years of a built up of NATO trained and armed Kiev with a high price to equipment, troops, and civilians. Rebuilding has been going on in major cities recaptured since Mariupol was liberated. To far into it now to disrespect it and everyone involved.

William_Mary 8 Feb 26
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The USA has only succeeded in making things worse for itself by literally causing Russia and China to become allied against the USA. BRICs will hurt the US economically, and the end result will eventually, most likely, the collapse of the US economy and the withdrawl of troops from many places all over the world . . . . . all the better for the world as a whole.

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