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The indictment of Donald Trump: A politically bankrupt diversion


Nothing really new here. Just round 3 of another national manipulation. Welcome to another grand illusion. Are you in or out?

{The Democrats’ decision to focus on this issue will serve to strengthen the fascistic wing of the Republican Party and even provide Trump with the opportunity to posture as a martyr. Trump is already denouncing the “political witch-hunt,” while Republicans are rallying around the former president. Trump’s former vice president, Mike Pence, whom the Democrats have upheld as a paragon of democracy, denounced the indictment as an “outrage.”}

In other words. Once again, Trump is, and has been all along, benefiting from billions of free campaign advertisement from medias. As Pence comes to the rescue. The only thing Trump will have to spend money on as he cons his manipulated supporters out of their hard earned cash, is the delusional reality manufactured in his commercials. While once again his most significant crimes continue to be swept under the lives of those he has trespassed on.

{The Socialist Equality Party opposes the fascistic policies of Trump and the Republican Party on the basis of the independent organization of the working class, in opposition to both the Democrats and the Republicans, and the fight for a socialist alternative to capitalism.}

While the SEP and WSWS tend to drive a narrative of warring between "the bitter internal disputes between different factions of the ruling class" my theory is that they are all involved in the same agendas. As I have stated before. Colonialism was the mother of fascism. For centuries the mirroring attributes reached a stage where it needed an enemy to support it's new failing capitalist system as the technology era began its boom and socialism challenges it. But it has been a collaboration as it was maintained and spread around the globe the past 2 centuries that still only benefits the ruling class, now under a united international umbrella.

William_Mary 8 Apr 1
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Of course Pence is saying that, he doesn't want to lose any more of the base than he already has. But he's the one that refused to go along with Trump illegal plot to overthrow the government. And he just testified against him to the grand jury that indicted that orange pile of shit. So take his "outrage" comment with a giant fucking grain of salt.

But the fear someone may use their prosecution for personal gain is not an appropriate reason to let them get away with criminal acts. Where is the 'rule of law' party when it's a republican that has committed crimes? Suddenly silent.

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