7 1

Communists are genociding islamists. You got uyghur muslims being genocided in uyghur China. The zionist communists killing the Palestinians. Interesting that the Mao zedong Communists killed more people than everyone but thats ok, hitler bad, even though Hitler gave people free shit like bernie sanders communist, and he was a communist himself, killing other communists, which is what communists do, since they don't produce, they feed on each other. So the muslims against the atheist communists, don't tell me atheists don't have a religion, communism is the religion, the state is the God.

Communistbitch 6 Nov 29
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I smell a religitard Trumpanzee troll...


Are you Rosanne Barr?


Might be Rudy or Donnie Dumbass...


Confused, much?

Not at all, yall are thugs, bullies, and the scum of the earth

@Communistbitch I hear Leslie Gore singing............

@annewimsey1 are those the voices in your head?


Sooooo perfect...TFP!


Life is much easier being an anarchist. A choice.


You forgot to take your medicine again.

puff Level 8 Nov 29, 2023

Naw more and more people qre awake to you commies despite your attempts to censor everyone

@Communistbitch I think you maybe slightly misguided, but I will defend your right to express your views always. I also reserve my right to challenge your views.
Free speech 100% (hate speech and incitement to violence is not free speech).
I've worked in a "commie" country and it was great!!! Would go back in a flash. Only 3 left you know; China, Viet Nam and Laos PDR. But with all of them, they have embraced capitalism.
In Australia, I like our "commie" medical system as you would put it.

@puff them nice prisons during covid, the women were sunbathing in bikinis while in a prison

@puff communism is already global, like the flying spaghetti monsters tentacles wrapping around the globe stealing the lifeblood of anyone who dares to work and produce value.

@Communistbitch Back to my original comment. Did you take your meds on time?

@puff where on the planet can you work and not pay taxes? That's global communism. Why is the "government" entitled to the fruits of your labor? You'd be pissed of the church demanded you give them 10 percent tithe, but you're happy paying 100 percent tax. Make it make sense

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