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Next-door neighbor is observed taking up mulch he put down two years ago and placing it in recycling garbage bags. Upon asking him why he's doing this, his response is; "It's getting lumpy and rotting." I had to pause a moment, and run that back through my logic synapses. "Are you going to throw it away?" I ask. "Yes. And it'll take me WEEKS to get rid of it." he replies. I point out that it's great compost and good for his landscape beds. But he's having none of this.
"How's about me lending you my garden cart and you have the guys (his sons) just dump it all in my center garden?" says I. "That's great! You'd be doing me a big favor!" he replies.

bigpawbullets 9 May 8
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Wow, I wish I had a neighbor like that. I could sure use some new compost for my beds. 🙂 Larry in western Kentucky

Justme43 Level 7 May 10, 2020

Doesn't it just amaze you sometimes ---- I mean, you couldn't make this shit up if you tried. 🙂

Lavergne Level 8 May 8, 2020

I love this guy, what a great neighbour, mine just try and encroach on my property whenever they think I am not looking. I'm always looking. 😉

Claymores. One tripwire should do it.

Yeah, and sometimes mine uses ROUNDUP down the fence row on our property line NEXT TO MY RAISED BEDS. Sorry about the yelling, but...... I get so frustrated sometimes when I see some of my veggies looking sick and I know what's wrong with them but have no way of proving it. 😟 Larry in Kentucky


SCORE! Don't tell him you would have to pay about $10/bag for such lovely compost, aaaannnd drag it home......


That's some pretty soil/compost.

freeofgod Level 8 May 8, 2020

Lucky you!

freeofgod Level 8 May 8, 2020

Don't ask him if he's a Repug, but look for a his bumper stickers.

OldGoat43 Level 9 May 8, 2020

Well, we both are. He's also "Chief of Police"....


I bet by the time I'm commenting on this that it's been raked in to that beautiful lawn. It will not only make your lawn happier but raise your land level ( reducing flooding possibilities) and reduce weeds.

Not yet... about 1/3 into two raised beds.
The rest to be spread into our milkweed/butterfly weed/wild flower garden.... the remainder to be raked out in the"habitat" garden where it's piled.
Thanks for the compliment on the yard!

@bigpawbullets I'm now living in a Condo...and I volunteer at two different gardening things to get my hands dirty...I miss it that much! Kudos!!

We're of the same tribe Rob.


Oh Jeeez!

Hathacat Level 9 May 8, 2020

Lol. Oh the humor of our ignorance.....


Lucky you! 🙂

Lauren Level 8 May 8, 2020

There is at least a silver lining to some people having no clue.

About 2 cubic yards worth. 😃

@bigpawbullets each winter I collect leaves people have bagged and put out curbside. I add it to my big leafmold compost pile. In the spring I top dress my beds with it.

@bigpawbullets you know, someone told me the other day they were talking about putting in a backyard pool a couple years back, came home from work one day, and their wife had hired someone to remove all 7 or 8 trees in the yard, because "you can't have trees if you are gonna have a pool."
?!?!?! People! Apparently pool covers are too much of a bother. Who cares about the environment, anyway? 🙄

I'm right there with you on composting leaves. My trees generate plenty for my use.

We're doing a water feature this year in our habitat garden. Two vendors mentioned removing some trees to avoid leaves in the pond. Very strange.

@bigpawbullets yes. Venders aren't necessarily informed about environment al impact, nor necessarily care.

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