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Ginormous Coneflower, or tiny cat? Who can say? 😜
All i know for sure is it is sideways.

MikeInBatonRouge 8 May 9
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I think the tiny cat is auditioning for the role of humming bird.


Great depth of focus. Camera or smartphone shot?

Oh, smartphone, sub$200, even. I have a couple digital cameras in a drawer somewhere. Have not botherd with them in years

@MikeInBatonRouge Unless you spent big bucks the cameras are mostly surpassed by the smartphones. I saw a phone the other day boasting 48 megapixel quality but was always fascinated to learn that the old 35 mm film camera quality was only achieved when they got to 24 megapixels.

@FrayedBear it is layers of complexity when it comes to digital camera features. My phone is touted as 48 mp, but there is a caveat that effectively it is no sharper than a fourth of that, as they count it weirdly, since it has 4 seperate lenses for different situations. At least I can zoom in close without it getting as grainy as my old phone's camera. That one's zoom function was worthless.

@MikeInBatonRouge I used to love macro onthe Olympic with bellows. Sadly lost the lot a long time ago.


@Admin @developer this sideways thing is still happening - can you fix the issue? Thanks! ❤

RavenCT Level 9 May 9, 2020

Perhaps at least the rotation part of the photo editing tool we have in our profiles, included for adding photos to a post, comment, and also a reply.

@bingst If you use an editor like Pixlr it allows rotation & much more. Furthermore it allow reduction of the file size to save on transmission data usage.

@FrayedBear Yes, but can you use that editor function within the site? I have no problem rotating my photos. It is when I import them that this site it turning them. I tries rotating it in reverse before importing them. Didn't work. just rotated them even more so that they were wrong in the other direction.

@MikeInBatonRouge Suggest that you are being discriminated & targeted or something new has now gone wrong.

@FrayedBear nah, I've seen others having the same issue. I am guessing it is something about the interface.

@MikeInBatonRouge You could try taking a much wider photo, and then cropping it down to shape in a photo editor , that could perhaps fool the site. But perhaps not worth the bother, maybe it will get fixed.

@OwlInASack thanks for confirming my experience. People keep trying to helpfully tell me what I am doing wrong

@Fernapple that is a thought. Admin says my request for a rotation edition tool for the site has been submitted to the board for consideration. I take that to mean it is a tech problem they will try to solve and if figured out grant my wish.


Interesting perspective.

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