10 10

When is it a plant, when a wildflower and when a weed ? I photographed this on a bank outside a garden near me. The gardener is obviously not bothering with the daisy and dandelion, which are coming up alongside the primroses, and I think the neglect is a benefit.

Fernapple 9 Apr 13
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They look like beautiful and happy companions!

That was my thought exactly.


I like it

bobwjr Level 10 Apr 13, 2021

A weed is an unloved wildflower. Both are plants.
We have been tricked by giant chemical ag companies into thinking we want putting greens for our gardens, instead of the meadows that really bring life and beauty. But at least there is now a cultural rebellion brewing against everything the Monsantos of the world stand for.


I guess most would call my front yard a giant weed bed but I love it. Clover, tiny little white flowers, adorable tiny purple flowers, dandelion and a tiny bit of grass.

Heidi68 Level 8 Apr 13, 2021

That's my sort of garden.


I think of weeds as being whatever plant you don't want in your garden. I've collect seeds a few times from plants that would typically be considered weeds. Some of them sprout and some don't. I'd love to grow some Texas Dandilions that will grow wild here but no success yet. Often, when I find a bunch of wild plants, they get mowed down before they go to seed. I've seen them growing in lawns as well as wild in fields. Why they won't grown in my garden soil is a mystery.

Btw, I think the dandilions complement the primroses nicely. Very pretty.

RussRAB Level 8 Apr 13, 2021

A "weed " is a non native species which overtakes an area & provides little in the manner of wildlife support. Plant nazis' that invade, replace, destroy, & become a monoculture. Daiseies are aggressive but manageable. Garlic mustard, purple loosestrife, Euro buckthorn, Asia honeysuckle, & "Canadian" (eur-asian) thistle are difficult to control here in the midwest of the USA. Other areas are battling other invasives. The UK is battling the North American gray squirrel tho it isn't a plant. Some we just have to an extent. Dandelions are nutritious & non competitive.

Mooolah Level 8 Apr 13, 2021

The definition of weed is any flowering plant (dicot or monocot) that reproduces by itself and appears to grow in exces".

How womeone please explain to me how Cannabis aka Marijuana aka "weed" got the name "weed"?

Robecology Level 9 Apr 13, 2021

The popular definition used over here in the UK is. "A weed is any plant in the wrong place." But we do use the term, common weed, by which we mean any plant which is often found in the wrong place. It is very judgemental, and the plants don't get a fair hearing by any means. LOL

I do not know how Cannabis got the name, "weed" I would love to know.

@Fernapple You got me curious...and google is my friend;


@Robecology Thank you. That was interesting, metaphorical for the way the culture associated with it spread.


a. Always.
b. Every springtime.
c. When you get tired of them.

OldGoat43 Level 9 Apr 13, 2021

It's all in your mind, I keep a bee friendly yard so dandelions have moved from weed to desirable volunteers. Like my cilantro, arugula, mint, oregano, daffodils, and potatoes which come back on their own every year. I once had some very persistent kale which I suppose was a weed because I only exterminated after a long siege.

Buttercup Level 8 Apr 13, 2021

Sounds lovely, Do share photos if you can.


Sometime back , got a note from the local HOA , complaining about the weed in my lawn . I wrote back , where I was from, clover was a financial crop , farmers planted to both improve the soil and also used as feed . The crab grass that makes up most of the local lawns was the only other thing growing locally that's only purpose was to keep the soil from washing away when it rains , but was considered a weed we tried to eradicate , where I was from . They wrote back the clover was the weed , and had a lparticularly verilent strain they wanted removed . So crab grass weeds in the front lawn , and lovely flowering clover ground cover , in the back yard . Got cha !

Cast1es Level 9 Apr 13, 2021

I live within the bounds of a reservation with a very live and let live frame of mind. Well behaved dogs and children range free and nobody worries much about their neighbors yard. Public safety is important so idiots who won't wear masks or wave guns around tend to get shunned.

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