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It always amazes me when a person asks me why I do something as fundamental and sustainable as gardening. 'Why you could just buy that stuff in the frozen food section at the grocery store, why go to all that hassle?'
I guess they will never get until they go to the store and find it empty or they get sick because of all the chemicals they get from eating the lowest priced crap they buy at the supermarket.

Surfpirate 9 May 8
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So very true. I’m so lucky that there is a wonderful farmers market in town and I can get everything vegetable from them, all from local growers here in Ukiah. I am growing a few things in my own backyard, but it is a lot of work so I’m grateful for the market. 😍

Isn't Ukiah near the Vichy style hot springs? We visited there once, on our way from the Baja to British Columbia in our motorhome.

@Surfpirate yes, the hot springs are just outside Ukiah, in fact there are several spa’s here. 😉

I visited the Atlanta farmer's market way back in 2016 on vacation there. It was huge and they had everything in abundance and fresh. I could live next door to it.


Yup. Growing things....or at the very least, foraging, is a fundamental act of sustaining oneself. To me it is meditation, exercise, it connects me to the natural world, educates me continually, and grounds my mental wellbeing. Not to mention the fact any edibles one grows themself will tend to have sigficantly more nutrient content than fodder forced out of season in hot houses, grown too quickly, and bred or genetically modified for appearance, or speed or ease of shipping, at the expence of nutritional content.
Heard in podcast today, and it is so true, that the U.S. spends more per capital on medical care than any other nation, while producing its food more cheaply than ever before in our history. In neither category are the outcomes for our health that good. Our societal priorities are shit-backward.


Actually , while the corn and peas sprouted , the strawberries didn't .

Cast1es Level 9 May 8, 2021

Really? Strawberries are basically weeds in my garden, I dig them out when they move in on other plantings.

Strawberries, besides being delicious, they're nutritious and an amazing anti-oxident, especially as we age. My mother grew them in abundance when we were kids so we got hooked on them.

@TimeOutForMe I enjoy them too but they are invasive and will take over the garden if left unchecked.

@Surfpirate in that case I suppose you got to do what you got to do then 😊


The flavor, nutrition & mineral content can be much better depending on the gardener. Interacting with growing things of beauty & use is worth any effort involved. Effort being movement, focus, patience. Those are good things to learn & embrace.

Mooolah Level 8 May 8, 2021

I garden because it makes me feel good, and NOTHING tastes so good as a tomato fresh off the vine. And it is way cool to introduce the grands to really fresh tomatoes. The oldest granddaughter, now 4 loves them and she has been getting them since she was 2. Grandson now 3, at age 2 would bite into them and spit them out down the front of his shirt. I am eager to see if his opinion of them changes this year. Newest granddaughter has a while before she gets tomatoes, she's just 4 months now. Oldest grand was here this weekend and is excited to see my tomatoes have been planted.

A friend of mine once told me she wished she could have had her grandkids first because they were so much fun. 🤣

I love homegrown tomatoes. I grow the cherry tomatoes for my salads too. I grow fresh mint, thyme, basil, rocket and coriander in my rectangular pots. I plant my spinach in half cut up used car or truck tyres. I nourish all my plants with crushed eggshells, coffee grounds and used tea leaves. I use the same compost around my roses and other plants too. It also keeps the slugs and redspiders away from the roses. I also spray vinegar on my rose plants to keep green leaves free of insects.

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