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I had to block someone from the group. I don’t believe in censorship but I’m not going to put up with someone being rude in this group. This group will be better off with out him. I asked him not to make nasty comments and this was his response.

Donto101 7 June 24
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Gardens are a respite from the insane world around us, a place of joy and peace. Thank you for keeping it that way.

EricJones Level 8 June 25, 2018

Better to block than to waste your precious time arguing a moot point.

Respect has to go both ways. If he cannot respect your request for common decency, then you he has left you with no other choice.

It was the mature decision to make.

Sadoi Level 7 June 24, 2018

Make America green again

Leafhead Level 8 June 24, 2018

Not cool. Him bringing politics into gardening, not you blocking him.


Maybe he should have read 'Defiant Gardens: Making gardens in times of War' . I think that's the title.


Now I’m a weirdo lol

Donto101 Level 7 June 24, 2018

He is very..... um....... special isn't he. Obviously failed sandbox 101. You did good.

I hope you reported him.

@CaroleKay no just blocked him from the group. I’m not the vindictive type. I did even block him on my account just the group. Could care less what he says to me I think it’s funny. I just don’t want him being rude in the group. We all have our political views I am very vocal about being anti trump out side of this group. This group is a place to leave that all behind just like my garden and fruit tree. It’s a escape.


I have noticed him elsewhere in the same light

btroje Level 9 June 24, 2018

I suppose it's the downside of being a group leader, but it's an important one. Thanks for keeping the group awesome!

Lauren Level 8 June 24, 2018

There is no sensible reason for interjecting stupid political views into the topic of gardening. To whoever that person is: Get lost!! We gardeners want nothing to do with you.

wordywalt Level 9 June 24, 2018

Was it Me? Did I get blocked?? I don't like that orange primate in the White House either but I tend to keep my posts about him in the politics section. You can eat veggies but you can't eat politicians, they're toxic. 😉

Surfpirate Level 9 June 24, 2018

That was an "interesting" character, quite full of himself. I think you did the right thing.


"run along"?

KJThomas Level 6 June 24, 2018

Yeah, that worked really well didn't it, lol.


Thank you! This is an awesome group!


Is Donald Trump a gardner? Astonishing!!

He's a tremendous gardener with a huge garden!!!

@Alvingo1 The very best words in his garden!

@Alvingo1 UUGE! The BEST! Nobody does it better, believe me because you won't believe but I AM THE BEST GARDENER! You're not going to believe but I'm gonna make Mexico pay for your garden. lol
Seriously though, this is about something we all LOVE, planting a little seed, nurturing it and then standing in awe of what we helped into being. <3

He's gonna grow fruits and vegetables bigly!

Well at least you guys got political in a funny way instead of insults. Lol

the biggest Zuchinnis

The zucchinis are just normal-sized but his tiny hands make them appear uuge!

No, he's not a gardener, just a vegetable.

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