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Lawn Care and Gardening Myths
One of the myths I have heard since I was just a lad was that you should never water your lawn in the middle of the day because it will cause the roots to work to the surface and the sun will burn them killing the grass. Obviously, it rains in the middle of the day all the time and then the sun comes out after the storm so this makes no sense. The real reason is that it is better to water you lawn in the early morning before you go to work because the wind is usually calm and there is less evaporation of the water as the sun is still low and temps are lower too. I water my lawn when I have the time and people still ask me 'Do you think that is wise, what if the sun burns your lawn because you watered at mid-day?'

Surfpirate 9 July 2
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If grass was meant to grow 2" tall then nature would have designed for it to do so.

FrayedBear Level 9 July 3, 2018

I liked the grass in Bermuda, I cut it twice a year whether it needed it on not, glorified crab grass really but it was drought resistant and weed proof, probably because it's a weed itself. 😀

@Surfpirate sounds like my type of grass.


Thank goodness for sprinkler systems. It was installed when I bought the house. I set it to go on about the time I get up to go to work.

We prefer dusk. Less evaporation.


If I had some water....I'd water in the morning.

Razorjelly Level 7 July 2, 2018

I don’t water my lawn. The native grass doesn’t need it. With that said I live in the country no HOA so I can get away with it.

Donto101 Level 7 July 2, 2018

I don’t water my lawn. The native grass doesn’t need it. With that said I live in the country no HOA so I can get away with it.

Donto101 Level 7 July 2, 2018

I have 3.8 acres. 2 acres in restored prairie. 1/2 in a pond with fish & wetland spillway. Another acre in oak savannah woodland & about 1/4 in mowed/chicken run/dog kennel. My miniscule piece holds also the house. As little lawn as possible. No watering & little mowing. Lawns are a monoculture of a suburban 1950's conquer nature mentality. Nope!

Mooolah Level 8 July 2, 2018

About the same as me.


Don't water it. Plant something useful.

I commented before reading other comments. Is there a native grass you could use?

It is useful, it holds the sand mantle in place so my septic bed in place, although that's probably more the clover. The neighbours seem to just love it though, unique post modern design house with architectural components and they all commented on the grass as soon as I put it in so the Health Dept. would sign off on the septic system. Philistines.


I don't water grass because I can't eat it. I do, however, water my garden morning and evening as needed. Because that is when it's coolest for me to be out there and also when I have time.

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