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Mystery vine produces! First harvest from the "mystery" vines that came up (volunteer) in my garden this spring. However, they are not all the same, there is another one growing and it is a distinctly different shape. There must have been some hanky-panky going on in that melon patch last year.

DotLewis 7 Aug 12
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I, too, have a mystery vine in my garden. It would appear that I mulched some seeds from mini-pumpkins!! Fun bonus!

Rustee Level 7 Aug 13, 2019

Cantelope seeds seem to grow the easiest. You might have had some in your compost. Enjoy....let us know the taste; it looks like it's going to be a real sweetie!

Robecology Level 9 Aug 13, 2019

Oh yes, I'm pretty sure that is what happened. They came up close together, like maybe I accidentally dropped a seed clump into my compost collection pot. Initially, I wasn't sure but figured odds were for cantaloupe since I save the squash/pumpkin seeds to roast and watermelon, I would have noticed putting the seeds in the compost. Guess it worked out although the garden this year is impassible, thanks to the addition of these vines.


Can't beat a volunteer. I'm from the volunteer state by the way.


BEAUTIFUL surprise!!


What a wonderful reward! Enjoy!
My mysterious vine has been ripped out of the garden. The little squash looking fruits would not pass a certain size and it would die back. After watching 5 little guys gone rotten, I decided that was time to go.

Zoohome Level 8 Aug 13, 2019

Perhaps the other one is watermelon , or squash , or egg plant of some kind ?

Cast1es Level 9 Aug 13, 2019

It's'definitely cantaloupe, the skin is right, the size is right but it has an evenly round, shape, unlike this first one that is deeply ribbed. I generally avoid putting any kind of seeds in my compost. That and the fact these all came up within a 2' radius leaves me confident they all came from the same melon but this would be second generation. Could easily been some natural hybridization going on.
Guess the test will be in the tasting. Think I will cut this one today.


Maybe the difference between male and female melons? (I can't believe I just said that?) but I just learned that male and female watermelons look different - so it's possible right?

RavenCT Level 9 Aug 13, 2019

Will have to do a little research on that. 😉


Best cantelopes I ever grew were ones my dog planted in the middle of the yard. good luck.

glennlab Level 10 Aug 12, 2019

I heard the deeper the webbing, the sweeter the fruit! You will have to be the judge.

Hathacat Level 9 Aug 12, 2019
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