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Thoughts about this just posted intended joke by MissKathleen? Maybe I'm too sensitive, but I'm increasingly feeling this is a very inhospitable site for trans people.

PalacinkyPDX 8 Jan 23
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Oh, no, it's way worse on Facebook--


I made a mistake. I was speaking about literate hiker. Here is Kathleen's bio which may offer some explanation. However it seems contradictory within its purview and is no excuse for her lack of sensitivity. Someone who realizes what she does should have no problem recognizing it and stopping herself.

I can have an acerbic tongue and usually am lacking in tact and diplomacy. My sarcastic humor is sometimes mistaken for something else. Always working on improving these aspects, but I do not expect to live enough to master them. I am an astute observer of people and have a high sense of fairness. I abhor a mob mentality. Here more for community than anything, I pretty much feel my chance at love is over. I am an HSP (Highly Sensitive Person) and I believe in kindness. , integrity, and honorability are highest on the list of attributes I admire in the people with whom I associate. is very close behind. Read less


No your not. She is a prude and has no sensitivity unless it is about her. One of her pictures show her straddling a chair, and thinking I was on Deviants I stated I wish I was sitting on the chair, which set her off. The next day she liked someone who was turned off by the fact I was discussing a sexually themed convention. Just block her. That is what I did.

@PalacinkyPDX yes I suppose I can too. I have no right to control someone else's thoughts on sex. It was I who posted on the wrong site.


I continually thank you for educating...I am learning, so thank you also for your patience and pointing out these things...sometimes it takes me a few times to "get it" is not hard to unlearn once it is pointed out...I don't like this either...I get that it is meant to be silly, but not at the expense of others...

@PalacinkyPDX One of my dear friends of over 13 years is also helping re-educate me in areas that I have no direct experience...appreciate you...thanks

@PalacinkyPDX yes it is definitely a sign of immaturity and ignorance not to know the difference between being something and believing you are something.


Insensitive at the least.


Hmm. Well, I suppose it depends. If said by someone who in no way means anything derogatory, I can see the humor in it. But I can also see why some would take offense. I believe we should be able to make fun of basically anything, but sometimes some topics are to sensitive for some people. In a perfect world, where there was only equality and love, anything can be made into dark humor. But it is hard to accept sometimes if you have experienced the actual negativity of the topic. I guess I can see both sides. But technically speaking all humor is at someones expense. Just a matter of degree and audience.


Yup no longer posted.

No longer sure how to get across to folks what bullying and poor humor is? Suggestions welcome.

Seems like a return to junior high when 'gay jokes' were a thing and I cringed every day.

I will keep up the 'See something Say something ' hoping it gets it across.

RavenCT Level 9 Jan 26, 2019

@PalacinkyPDX well I am not blocked and that post is gone.

Also check under the gear icon next to your name up top. Sometimes reporting triggers a block without us knowing!

I find blocks all the time from the reports I do for the scammer group.

If you go in and click the name you unblock them.

@PalacinkyPDX if it makes you feel better I blocked her a week ago. I am more than happy to let you share in my block.


This is quite disappointing

CS60 Level 7 Jan 24, 2019

Disgusting !!!


I was very disturbed reading that.

MoniB Level 6 Jan 24, 2019

Awful! In your prior post that referenced someone refering to Trans issues as "frivolous," this attempt at a joke is frivolous, while also being callous and dismissive. bleh!
I like to think these represent opportunities for social consciouness education (we can all do better in that), but I can see how that quest gets to be exhausting. :/



Kafirah Level 8 Jan 23, 2019

Oh gees. Tell me it wasn't my group? FFS.


I think that should have been kept to herself. We are all atheists no matter our outwards appearance.

freedom41 Level 9 Jan 23, 2019

She's very nice... I don't know if she meant to offend trans people...

@PalacinkyPDX everyone hears different things from different people about something ... I hear plenty of crap from haters here... You're not being singled out....

@PalacinkyPDX I don't know, seems like there are a lot of posts mocking women here. I seem to be about the only one it bothers though.

@Carin agreed... That's what I was trying to point out here....

@Cutiebeauty Glad I have one ally!

No she isn't honey. I've had two run-ins with her and they were both negative. She is insensitive unless it is about her and a prude.


Seems we are an easy target ?

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