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"The higher up ones, the ones that write the atheist books..." Wait, what?

OldMetalHead 9 Aug 8
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I'd be more upset that he knows about the books if I thought he could read.

Kynlei Level 8 Aug 9, 2019

Of course satan exists - just like god exists ----its all in the mind --- simply simple minds


Wishing he was in a mental health facility. People like that is another reason I left the bs.

freedom41 Level 9 Aug 8, 2019

Please...don't even give him publicity. He's a sick man who makes money selling paranoia....His biggest income is foods to last in case of the "apocalypse" please....erase this post!

@OldMetalHead In all relationships there's Love, hate, and indifference.

The sooner we reach "indifference" about him, the better. I'd rather not proffer hate.

Quite honestly, I would rather learn about what is out there for “opposition”. I am still amazed that people are still living and thinking in the dark ages. I get wrapped up in my life where most people accept my Athieism.

@EyesThatSmile I don't need the aggravation! Just me....

@Robecology Do some tea and do some of your yoga.😁. Better yet, a long bike ride would do. (I should take my own advice.)

@EyesThatSmile Tip; Join " for me there....I post my workouts there...feel free to "friend" me there as well.....and I concur with your "shoulda"...get on that bike, woman! But in the meantime...I will take your Tea suggestion up immediately (Thursday eve...)


I appoint myself Supreme Leader 😉

freeofgod Level 8 Aug 8, 2019

I'm working on my book as he speaks 🙂

freeofgod Level 8 Aug 8, 2019

All mouth... no brains!

MojoDave Level 9 Aug 8, 2019

I would award Alex Jones a prize for being the biggest douchebag on Planet Earth.

He has lots of competitors for that category. Trump for one.


What a fucking buffoon!


Whoa! Wait!
There are atheist "higher ups", and they write books about it????

Holy shit!
It is suddenly clear to me that I've been doing this atheism thing all wrong.

KKGator Level 9 Aug 8, 2019

Now I know what the point and level system here is all about 🤪

Rudy1962 Level 9 Aug 8, 2019

Wow. Higher ups, eh? We're not an organisation or religion. We also don't believe in your fictional characters, any of them.
Why can't they understand?

scurry Level 9 Aug 8, 2019

Rhetorical question, right?

@SiouxcitySue Yes. 😟


So we have some sort of hierarchy?

Zoohome Level 8 Aug 8, 2019

According to them, I guess.

@OldMetalHead Our mimeograph machine broke and we ran out of stamps. The publicity chairwoman is computer illiterate.

Remember: give to the Atheists for Satan until it hurts. Deliver it in person because the post office rent on the PO box ran out.

@OldMetalHead exactly! Sure, I do look up to some important atheist figures but to consider us some sort of structure. Haha


Then when I say that this person is delusional I get spanked. Nevertheless this person and their make believe invisible devil are delusional.

You must like being spanked 😉

I get spanked all the time being an outspoken atheist. Either that or when cognitive dissonance kicks in they shut down or flee. That said, you can spank me just for fun! 😂

@JohnnyJohnny Now you're gonna have little alex screaming that all atheists are masochists, assuming he can pronounce it.

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