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This morning I was listening to all of the music Kenneth and I used to dance to and it was making me pretty sad.

This afternoon as I did the yard work I looked at the one last little storage building that I haven't tackled and realized I didn't miss having a pack rat around.

I'll have to find a friend in the city to dispose of the spectracide and rodeo weed killer. I'm pretty sure I'll have to put the roofing tar and some other kind of lube stuff in with it. Oklahoma City has hazardous waste free for citizens but it would cost me $75 a pound.

For some reason he had a smudge pot which I have no idea whether it needs to go to hazardous waste or metal recycle. There's an old ammo case in there that I'm afraid to open and about four hoses that I'll need to check out.

After 10 years I still miss him but so far I've never missed any of his stuff that has found a new home.

Lorajay 9 Aug 26
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Interesting. My daughter was here for a visit and we visited some local friends. They talked about their snow birding in Hawaii and all the things they are planning for the near future. I was hit with the fact the active life we once led is no longer happening. To me it's less about the person than our activities together.

JackPedigo Level 9 Aug 31, 2022

Memories are so good yet so hard sometimes aren’t they? I remember going through Richards clothes and donated most of them to a place where men can get nice clothes for work or men who are trying to find a job. He had some nice suits and casual clothes. I also gave some of his leather jackets to a slender friend of ours since Richard was such a skinny guy. I kept some of his shirts and I pull one out now and then to sleep in. 😍 Moving on and forward in our lives is not always easy after losing someone who was so precious to us, but as time goes on it does get easier. 😘


It is a bittersweet feeling, another reminder with mixed emotions.

It's been just over a year and I'm still finding things that have to go. The heart aches with the memories knowing it was a part of him. 😟

Betty Level 8 Aug 26, 2022

I'm sorry it's such a challenge to get rid of all that - it sounds like quite an expensive and bittersweet job. My husband amassed such a huge amount of junk - woodworking tools, stuff from his days doing phone line installations (which was from about 20 years before we even met, but he still had it), software programs and programming data. I had a hard time not considering it a part of him, which made it hard to part with for a long time.

I hope the melancholy of the day lifts for you soon.

Lauren Level 8 Aug 26, 2022

I guess I'm lucky because I think I consider things as things. Fortunately my son literally bought $3,000 worth of tools from me. Partially because he wanted them and partially because he knew I needed the money at the time.

@Lorajay What a wonderful, thoughtful son! Yours is a much better way to look at things. I'm still holding on to too many useless things because of their connection to people I've lost, but I'm working on that.

@Lauren I need to confess, photos and my collections are a little more than things. Things are just things when it's not something I can use or admire.

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