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Redheadedgammy 9 May 25
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I joined to follow you and comment, I am not a widow but the end of some relationships can feel like a death, only once have I felt like that and it wasn't the one I divorced or the most recent breakup either. This whole dating is just bullshit to me! People are just trash nowadays but I'm very bitter at the moment, so if I'm being too harsh I apologize.

There are different kinds of grief, what they have in common is...pain. Take the time you need and check in often. I care. 🤗

@Betty This recent breakup has me bitter and I feel like I'm done with relationships, it was another relationship that felt like a death during the breakup, I even called in sick to work because I couldn't stop crying when I was driving to work, I had to pull over because I couldn't see the road! I'm already over that relationship but I still remember how the breakup felt. Thank you for your help and reaching out, I appreciate it very much! 🤗

@michelle666gar Your feelings are valid and bitterness is one of them. You can allow yourself to feel that way for a time but it would be unhealthy for you to remain that way. Bitterness over time will erode the best parts of you and we can't have that.
You are a strong-willed, grounded, sensitive, and caring woman with a wicked sense of humour. Give yourself the time you need then get back to the best of "you".
Hugs 🤗 and know we are here for you. 🙂

I agree Michelle, some breakups can feel like a death. Especially when you put so much of yourself into the relationship. Your feelings are totally valid as Betty said.

It takes time for the heart to heal, and all you are feeling is grief. You are a lovely funny and wonderful lady. ❤️ The person for you is out there. Take some time for yourself to heal and then see what life brings you. 😘


After my girlfriend Sonia passed away in 2018;this was a very painful period in my life.

The silence and emptiness is hard for me.


My Sammy (My partner's dog) died on Monday morning. It took him well over a year to accept me after my partner died and we had a nice routine going.
This week my thoughts have been on my partner and Sammy and the waves of emotions have been overwhelming. I am missing the routine which has left me with an ache that won't dissipate. Memories of outings and walks, teaching and laughing have left me feeling very lonely and sad.

Betty Level 8 May 25, 2024

Oh Betty, I am so sorry that you lost Sammy. The dog was a connection to your partner, so of course your emotions are overwhelming.

Soon you will create new routines and the memories that you have will bring a smile to your face. We all know grief takes time to work through. Be gentle with yourself. 😘

@Redheadedgammy Sammy was my last living connection to the love of my life. Losing that has me feeling as if I lost my partner again. The silence is deafening. 😟

@Betty I have always owned at least 2 dogs as coming home to an empty house is The Worst.
I only have one now because if I needed Senior Citizen housing they will only accept one small one.
She is provided for in my will, with a guardian.
The olderr you get, the more your thinking has to change.

@annewimsey500 I grew up with pets. As a child, we had nine cats, a dog, and a budgie bird. Up until now, I have always had a pet. It is heartbreaking when they die, they become a part of the children and I don't think I can take another loss.
Sammy was special because he was my partner's dog. They had a beautiful bond. When my partner died I did everything I could think of to comfort him and it took ages for him to bond with me. He was my sanity, kept me grounded and now I walk around the apartment like a zombie.

@Betty the only cure for pet loss IMO is another childrenn, you cannot "replace" them but they are all personable in their own way.
There are special low cost programs everywhere to join seniors and senior pets...they are the hardest to adopt and really, really need us.

@annewimsey500 I am aware. I'm not there and I don't know if or when I would be.

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