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I haven’t been able to purge my husband’s closet yet because it’s full of nothing but triggers, but I had no idea that purging the kitchen would be this horrendous. I refuse to give up though and am getting ready to dig in again. If I melt down, so be it, no matter how many times it happens. I feel like if I don’t get it done, then I’m just avoiding the inevitable. I never realized I could be triggered by a frigging can of Spam.

ProudMary 8 Oct 11
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I had two things happen that I thought of from this post. After my husbands celebration of life his one daughter came over to say goodby she attacked me saying she was taking some things and I was not stopping her.She screamed and stood over me / she did get a few things before I got her out of the house / I tried to tell her some things were not fully paid for ( I had to sort all that ect / bottom line My grief counselor had me cut all contact with her because I was in a very bad way/ after things got sorted I was very generous with his other daughter/ things I know he would have wanted her to have / to the deperment of myself. I still an not strong enough to deal with the other daughter ( both former marriage )
I had to pack everything and move back to the USA because he was all I had in my life there. I still cannot hook up his electronc equipment or computer as it’s filled with his music and I still can not even listen to his music as I fall to my knees gutted.. I have his shirts in a bin for now but want to make a quilt with them. I understand your meltdown totally just little things take me to my knees sometimes. Been trying to keep busy but it’s just filling time. It’s so nice to read everyone’s words and know what you are feeling.

Gypsy494 Level 7 Oct 11, 2018

I've given away or sold most of his things. I still have a few clothes after 2 1/2 years. Guess what? He had a bottle of 120 oxycodones and I sold it for $200 and 90 narcos and I sold it for $100. I had no need for them. So I'm going to jail!

Susieq Level 7 Oct 11, 2018

no I'm not really going to jail. That was a year ago, but it is illegal to do that.


Before my partner died a friend came over for a visit. My partner motioned for her to come into the bedroom. After a while I was wondering what was going on. They had emptied her closet of all her things to be taken to the thrift shop. I set aside a couple of items and told her she had to have something to wear before she died. She also got the local Domestic Violence awareness person to come over and take an inventory of her nice things.They were auctioned off at her memorial. She wanted to make the most of her things even after death. But yes, some things are still triggers.

JackPedigo Level 9 Oct 11, 2018

@ProudMary Oh I forgot, she also donated her body to the Univ. of Washington in a program called the willed body program. They came and got her body and returned the ashes some time later. She was the most organized person I have ever known.


Going on 2 years and still half his idea why.

Rose2U Level 7 Oct 11, 2018

It took me two tries over a year and a half. Have someone help you, they can make the decisions that you are hesitant to make as far as keeping some mementos or re-gifting.


pain eases little by little

TheDoubter Level 9 Oct 11, 2018

I've recently been working on gifting my husbands things to others who are in need. Things like shoes, socks, sandles, books he finished reading. I've not been able to do anything with his clothes just yet as I get very emotional just touching his shirts and pants. I am told by others who have gone thru such a loss that in time it gets easier. It's been 4 months since his passing.

@ProudMary I did it pretty quickly, I worked for a charity and after I asked my sons if they wanted anything, I took it all in and it got sold and made money for Oxfam ...I felt glad that some good had come out of his’s no use to anyone hanging in a closet.


Keep at’s better not to have constant reminders, at least that is my experience.

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