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A Panda, dressed like a cowboy, with a ten gallon hat and a pair of six-shooters, walks into a Chinese restaurant, and orders a plateful of tender bamboo pieces. The chef goes to the greenhouse, and collects a heaping serving, which the Panda eats greedily. After he finishes the meal, he gets up, pulls out the six-shooter and fires several shots, and runs out the door without paying.
The owner calls the sheriff, who quickly spots the Panda. accosting him, and asks why did he do that at the restaurant... The Panda replied, "That is what the encyclopedia says I am supposed to do.", and pulls out a sheet of paper. The sheriff reads - "Panda dietary needs - bamboo... eats shoots and leaves."

Arg1929 6 Mar 7
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Caught fleeing the scene.


Important .

GEGR Level 7 Mar 8, 2020

You forgot about the punctuation "Eats,shoots,and leaves". The book by Lynne Truss on the proper use of English grammar.

Moravian Level 8 Mar 8, 2020

It was a play on words... the commas make them verbs, no comma makes them nouns...


Grroan. Who taught the panda to read?



bobwjr Level 10 Mar 7, 2020

How did the sheriff know that it was that panda?

273kelvin Level 8 Mar 7, 2020

He questioned the panda and it confessed 😜

@Cutiebeauty Down in black and white?

@273kelvin huh?


Didn't know pandas could read or were so literal 😜😜

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