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Do you have a single neuron in your brain that believes Trump won't pardon his $1B + federal tax debt? And his $400M NY tax debt if he can get away with it?

mcgeo52 8 Oct 8
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This is anarchy! This is not law and order!

No, it's not anarchy. It is abusive corrupt capitalism. Get it straight!!

@Bakunin I see it one way, you see it another! It will continue so...


I knew about this. Wonder if they rule that you can not be charge with a state crime after being acquitted in federal court would it be retroactive. The NY AG is looking into the charity organization dealings of trump and family.
Yeah this IS the bigger picture. I'm not sure the states will like this, states' rights are pretty important.

Yeah, the GOP is all about states' rights until it comes to things like abortion access, sanctuary cities, marijuana legalization, and now this.

The NY AG and the Manhattan DA are both looking into a lot more than the Trump Foundation and the other Trump charities. After the NYT article last week about the Trumps' illegal tax evasion schemes, you had better believe that NY RICO charges are pending against tRump, his three eldest spawn, the Trump Organization and possibly even Donnie's wife and siblings.


this is one to keep an eye on



kmdskit3 Level 8 Oct 8, 2018

Yes! Brett now has the the full “Stamp of Approval” by these republican Fascists to roll back, dismiss, recind, and destroy all our Laws, Regulations, and Rules that support us, protect us, protect our environment, and our financial protections

The white republican Fascists wrongly undermined and altered senate rules by using their so-called “Nulcear Option” to lower the 60 votes down to 50 vote to approve Bills to Laws and Appointments!

The minority white republican Fascist are ruining our country wholesale!


Yikes...and fuuuuuuuuck!

Charlene Level 9 Oct 8, 2018

This would violate the States rights.This would also promote organized crime in our government like what is running our government now.

This will be interesting. The south love their states' rights!! Look what happened with the GI Bill.

The states' rights argument is one glimmer of hope that at least one of the five right wingers on the court will vote to maintain the "separate sovereigns" exception.


@SiteSupport, WTF??? Why was this pulled???

There is nothing on this post that is anything other than fact and personal opinion stated in a very civil manner.

You want to know what is truly offensive here? The censorship for no good cause.

mcgeo52 Level 8 Oct 8, 2018

I posted this as a general post in the politics category. It was taken down. WTF???

mcgeo52 Level 8 Oct 8, 2018

Retry? Happened to a friend about a poll the other day. Could just be it didn't go through? One hopes!

For 1-2 hours yesterday, I couldn't access the site at all... either website or mobile app.

As an I.T. professional, if there's system problems, it's fairly common to roll back/restore to a point 1-2 hours prior to the start of an issue.

Not saying I know that's what happened, just that I would not be surprised if it was.

@camne I also had a problem accessing the site.

I went through an three hour period I could not access yesterday too!

@camne I couldn't get in for a time either

@camne I had problem as well!

@RavenCT, it went through. Some tRumptard commented on it before it disappeared.

@mcgeo52 That is really weird.

Unless someone missed when they were pulling that comment and pulled both?

@mcgeo52, @camne @freedompath @TheDoubter @of-the-mountain @patchoullijulie

The site was down.
Even when it came back on there were issues with the "socket status" in chat rooms for most of the evening.
Sometimes has to do with server upgrades?

I've been here so long I have friends on FB from here - so I knew it was a global event. Not just my area and yes it did last several hours. We all know to check in on FB from the last time this happened. (It's our backup).

@RavenCT thanks for info...

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