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How would u respond if someone put this statement to u. "Because of God, Atheists exist.
Without God, atheism would no longer exist."

Greenheart 7 June 5

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"If this is true, then why are you questioning the wisdom of god? If he made atheists, its for a reason. Perhaps the reason is to prove its possible to be a good person and care about your fellow man, just because. Not for any reward, not for any reason other then to care about other people."

Angus Level 5 June 7, 2018

"And nor would you."


The belief in God would have to be a requirement for both parties for that statement to be argued constructively


I would correct their assertion to "Because of Belief in god". Defining a theist, as a person who "Believes in a god" the title of a (not) theist = or "atheist" is someone who is not a theist exists. and without theists, atheists would indeed not exist as there would be no need to identify people that believe in or do not belief in a god. The existence of a god is not a factor in this definition of theist or atheist as these title are used to define those who believe or do not accept the positive assertion that a god is real.


Nonsense. You're trying too hard.


Same way I respond to any dipstick singing hosanna about science... "Okay".


It's not unlike saying that, without heat there can't be cold, which is small comfort should you find yourself shirtless and homeless in, say, mid-winter Alaska.


Because of unicorns we have candyfloss. Without uniforms we wouldn't have candyfloss.


You must be delusional, I exist without god.


Before you make your statement,you will first have to porove the existence of a God.


I would tell them "Because of GOD, YOU exist. Because of ME, I exist."


Belief does not equal existence. It's not the existence of god that created atheists, but the belief in god by some. Religious people are atheists about all others gods than the one they hold as "true". As others have said, it's best not to engage these folks. You are not going to change a deeply held belief with a smart reply.

Good answer, you beat me too it. Belief in gods exists, gods do not.


This is why I have a problem with the term atheism. Without god or religion we would be just people. No labels just folks living our lives.


Can you spell idiot?


Without these pesky "gawds", atheism would be the norm!


My usual response to close minded people who want to change my mind: You might be right.
End of conversation.


Why the need to 'beat" them? That is how they believe. Leave them to it. We will all encounter the same end - we merely choose our path to get there.


If I bothered responding at all (someone who’d argue on that basis is too stupid to debate with), I would explain that their argument is ridiculous, being forever circular and impossible to resolve.


Without believers god would cease to exist. ?


I would say because of Judas you have Christianity.


Nailed it... which came first, the chicken or...

Tomas Level 7 June 6, 2018

I would respond...lets try the latter for a while and watch the world progress

Hutch Level 7 June 5, 2018

Circular thinking and a not-very-bright person.


I would probably just blow them off and say" yeah, whatever". There is no discussion about it. If someone is so arrogant and closed minded to say something like this, they are not discussing, they are pronouncing.

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