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Here's a thought; we, as a nation, want to think we are great, without any reflection on what we are actually doing NOW as a country. We think back to actions of our fore-parents lives, and think that excuses any need to examine what we do NOW on the world stage.

We were Eagles once; now we are shortsighted sparrows, puffing our chest and remembering when we held glory.

Without self reflection, and without holding OURSELVES to a better standard, we will never be Eagles again.

We fall short of what our grandparents fought for. And we CAN do better.

DerekD 7 June 7

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Not to be a party pooper, but there's plenty in the history of the US of A that is decidedly un-eagle-ish. If you were one of the people the eagles crapped all over, you might have a different perspective. And I agree that we can do much, much better right now.


Nationalism is the refuge of the powerless.


On the whole we haven't been that great. We are very good at self- grandizing.


The human brain is the most dangerous weapon on the planet. The most dangerous ammunition is a difference of opinion. This explains a lot about conflict worldwide. What do you think?


Which great nation is this? We aren't all Americans you know and some of us also belong to fallen Empires...and good job too!


Economically, we had a pretty good run for awhile after the great depression when the New Deal kicked in. Most people had a steady and respectable job, could afford to put food on the table, live in a modest home and drive a decent car. They could also put their kids through school and take a nice vacation once a year. All without going in to debt. That prosperity came to an end in the 80's when Reaganomics came along and threw a big, ugly monkey wrench in to the works.

1940 - 1980 was probably our finest hour as a country. We weren't perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but we were the model upon which other countries looked to design a system which allows every single individual to have a decent size slice of the pie and an opportunity to gain even more if they so desired to pursue it.

Go beyond those years of economic prosperity and things become more..... checkered..... to say the least. We've certainly had our dark side. When it comes to acts of domestic terrorism, human rights violations and corruption at the executive level in private industry and in the government, we wrote the "how to" manuel on that shit.

War is big business and had a lot to do with what made us great. Do we go back to that? Is peace killing us?


When I think back to my fore parents...I have a whole different spin on things....

The American dream was our American nightmare from the African Plows forced into involuntary servitude, the Irish indentured servant, the native American forced to give up their home land, the Filipinos jumping Spanish garrisons, east Indian toiling soil never to return to their homelands...this is my fore parents from 1690 to 1900s. And something never changed that's why each day I try to soar higher heights that was not granted to them....I rise!


Oh, I don't think we're so great. I think that's just another lie we've been sold. Just like "the American Dream", and "the Lord helps those that help themselves".
Truthfully, I don't believe we've ever been "great". We've had the potential for greatness, but it's never been realized.
We've always been entirely too busy looking out for ourselves to actually achieve anything close to greatness. Sure, there have been a few exceptional moments sprinkled throughout our history. However, cumulatively, not enough to qualify our total history as anything but another mediocre civilization.


Our forefathers were evil and made the claim of greatness like any narcissist would. They tread on every culture and brought slaves. We were taught to believe the lies that are now completely out of control. Up until the internet came along all the information we received was being fed to us by a very small group of people.


When WH spokespeople say we have a great relationship with Germany because today is the anniversary of D day
I doubt very much that our leaders have much understanding of that past at all.


We certainly can, and MUST do better.

Sadly, I really don't believe were capable of it.

@KKGator Perhaps not, but we're not even aspiring to do better at this point. Or sadly, we are very divided on what constitutes "better."

@bingst All true.


That may be true...but the current shift is far away from the ideals that I hold dear, some of which I did get out of my religions, back in the time! We are being divided up into, ‘others,’ as if people suddenly are different kinds of human beings! And even when people attempt to defend their right to exist along side everyone else...that is not enough! One party, behaves as if the other party, simply should not exist! That is extreme, any way you slice it! It is a critical political time...leaders are simply not setting a ‘tone,’ on how to work together to solve our social issues! They are just part of the problem!


This nation has almost always based its every move on how it could take advantage of someone else.

sounds like your familiar with this 🙂

Oh yes and they never really even tried to hide it. They are now and always have been systematically taking over the world and destroying our resources. America is just a different name they made up to convince us they were trying something new here. We have always been controlled through divide/concur and controlled media/education!


I think first and foremost, it starts with voting. Barring the obstacles that are designed keep people from voting, we all need to make that commitment and get our butts to the polls. Our forefathers and brothers and sisters literally fought for all our rights to do that and so many people just blow it off. If the majority of people were involved we might see more politicians actually working for the people and not themselves.


There is a very old joke about how good life was for American First Nations People prior to the coming of white when hungry, make love, sleep, healthy water, buffalo, then subjugation, destruction of the environment, feral animals, birds, genocide, white overpopulation, slavery, modern warfare (independence and civil) - yes the nation's forefathers did very well.


I am totally embarrassed by the USA right now.

@Omen6Actual So was I, during the Bush administration.


Yip, back to basics !

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