this sort of thinking is known as doctrine of signatures, it has been debunked since the third or fourth century, but holds on because people find patterns in things were they don't exist.
Brains are pattern matching engines (or more exactly, pattern mismatch detectors, as they are further optimized to detect threats; but, they are still pretty good at general matching, which is why we tend to see pictures in clouds, etc).
Just because two things look similar of course is no reason to conflate association with cause. There's no causal relationship between this guy's penis and a serpent, but by his logic, men are of the devil, too, because they look similar. Of course THAT would never be his contention because part of his objective (consciously or not) is to demean women.
The pic on the right explains a couple odd dates I've had. Youch!
If there's any doubt Christianity spreads misogyny.
Some people sure have a wild imagination...wonder what else he has created out of ‘whole clothe?’ Coming through the birth canal, left an indelible mark on him!
A number of years ago a movie (I think it was "Hawaii" ) came out about a missionary being sent to bring Christianity to the savages. However, he had to first take a wife, which he did. It came time to consummate the marriage and he cut a hole in a sheet and put it over her before climbing on top. Sounds like something this guy would do. The thought of same sex, sex would probably give him apoplexy. It would interesting to see the comments.
i guess he lived up to the 'missionary' thingy. he should have gone doggy
I don't know about anybody else but that shit is just HOT! Makes me want to fuck Old Nick right in the mouth.
Believe what you want but this is just bullshit........... No god & no satan......
I mean this is known to be accurate with all those pictures of the devil we have taken. The proof is out there people!!!
Is that why they also taste delicious? Because they look like goats or cows?
And...does this WINGNUT eat beef? Goat? Wonder what he thinks about nocturnal emissions?
He must have forgotten that his lord and savior was born of a woman as well, so that means Jesus was born into sin from the devil! Also the father of Jesus, (god, lol) would have had to impregnate his mother Marry and therefore would be impregnating her through her reproductive organs (Satan). Furthermore when their god told the Jews in the old testament they could have multiple wives in order to populate the earth he would be giving them permission to have sex with and reproduce through Satan. If this guy was right, then I choose Satan because sex is just too much fun.
So, I’ve just been getting a bj from Satan all these years?
Don't worry..his DNA is destined to be removed from the gene pool.