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Dear Canadian friends, please accept my deepest and sincerest apology for the behavior of D. Trump.

Akfishlady 8 June 10

Enjoy being online again!

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I've recently heard a conservative state how terrible it is that comedians are ridiculing the president.

@Akfishlady Isn't it the job of comedians to turn everyday events into laughter?


Connect the dots people! His Orangeness has a plan as always for someone else to do his dirty work.

DOT # 1) he publicly referred to the White House as a "dump."

DOT # 2) he accused Canada of once burning down the White House.

DOT # 3) he repeatedly and publicly insulted the Canadian Prime Minister.

THE OBVIOUS CONCLUSION: His diabolical plan is to trick the naΓ―ve Canadians into burning down the White House so that he can have taxpayers pay for yet another Trump tower.

Donald Trump has the negotiating skills and clever intellect of Vizzini, the renowned Sicilian genius who appears in Princess Bride (briefly ? ). In this scene, imagine Vizzini wearing a Bozo wig:

MikeEC Level 7 June 11, 2018

We could probably include most of the world in that apology.


I also want to thank Canada again for their help in freeing our diplomats from Tehran

No worries, got your back.


But... but... but... Canadians burned down the White House! I sent a message to a Canadian friend saying "thanks ya hoser for burning down the White House". He laughed. But it is extremely sad that my friend that has lived in Canada all his life pays more attention to American politics than most Americans. For the first couple weeks I woke up thinking the election was just a bad dream. Seriously. After that, I made a Twitter account. The only person that is on there is you guess who? I didn't believe that the stuff on FB was true! Surprise! Make America sick again!

America sneezes and Canada catches a cold - so the saying goes. There are 10 of you for everyone of us and history has shown that we have to Stand On Guard in case one of your politicians decides that it is a good idea to attack us - Again. In fairness we only burned down the Presidential Palace so it could get the much cooler name The White House after it had to be whitewashed to hide the smoke and fire damage - plus you guys started it by sacking and burning the Governors Residence in Upper Canada. Just a bit of tit for tat. lol

I keep hoping it's a bad dream sequence.

@Surfpirate It actually was inspired by a burning in Canada, but the brittish did it.


@TheGreatShadow of course back then the Canadians were British, most of the troops were British Regulars being decommissioned from the war with the French so they were sent here to put down the Rebels (that would be you bunch of British traitors LOL) some of the colonial militia were brought into the fight as well. Canada was a place where Britain sent a lot of it's retired soldiers and gave them land grants so after that whole retaliatory burning of buildings they largely retired here in British North America aka Canada. So yes the British did burn down the White House and yes the Canadians were the British, somebody should explain this to Trump and maybe it will make his head explode. Win Win πŸ˜€

@TheGreatShadow We even have a song about, we don't share it with the Americans because they get all nose out of joint about it when we do but you're a bigger person than that.

@Surfpirate The song actually was funny. But by you saying that Canadians burned the house down because they were under British rule is like people from the US saying they are British.

@TheGreatShadow We weren't under British rule, we were British. Americans used to be British until they had their revolution, Canadians didn't want to revolt we wanted to stay British. Britain was a super power back then, we wanted to remain part of that not join a bunch of rag tag rebels. One of the main reasons Madison decided to attack Canada was because the British Navy was impressing American sailors because the British Crown did not formally recognize American sovereignty, they figured you would all come to your senses eventually and beg to be taken back under the protection of the King. Canada as a nation didn't exist until 1867 when the British North America Act was passed, by the British Parliament. Canada didn't take our independence by force of arms, it was given to us by the Queen and the British Parliament and even then we were still part of the British Commonwealth with some rights as British subjects.


Okay, enough with all the Apologize and Sorry, you're starting to sound so much like Canadians that we may have to start issuing special honorary passports to you guys.

You mean you are not going to build a wall and make us pay for it?

@MikeEC There has been talk recently about building a wall but we'll pay for it because we want to see it actually get built. Maybe with drive thru windows in it so we could make it pay for itself. πŸ™‚

@Stacey48 Who knew that socialists could be so free enterprise?


I think many (most?) thinking, informed people outside of the US understand a great portion of our population detest what tRump is doing.
Why don't we do something? We are trying, yet we feel intimated... We wonder how much personal danger we're putting ourselves and our families in. Going thru channels seems ineffective, ...
For me, I remain vocal.
( On another note, why don't we have a real name? {Not just USA, What we have is akin to what it would be like if Germany was called "Europe" )

@NFAguy53 dude Hillary got millions of more votes

As a well traveled Canadian who has spent many years living and traveling in the US of A, I can tell you with a good degree of certainty that the world does recognize that Trump is not every American but in fairness he did get voted into office so the stink goes with the shit. Many other Americans in Latin America, South America and Central America do take umbrage with the US of A claiming America as it's personal moniker.

Lots of people who didn't vote for him, also didn't vote for her. ... for example me.
They both were equally cringe-worthy, for entirely separate reasons.
And I'm still embarrassed by him.


Dear Southern Cousins, we've been friends for a long time now and sure we have had our ups and downs but we stuck it out together and we aren't going to let an orange baboon who somehow managed to sneak into the White House break up our friendship with you, no matter how much shit he throws at us.
Word of advice, you might want to consider cutting away some of the nuttier states and just join up with us, it would make things a lot easier for everyone. πŸ˜‰

I think many of us would be for that. Unfortunately I'm stuck in one of the nuttier states. But I'll start packing and move to one of the states Canada is willing to adopt.

@StephC California, Oregon and Washington would be no brainers for the West Coast. (maybe not San Diego) Maine and Vermont, of course and Michigan (although maybe just the Upper Peninsula), New York State but not the city, the Dakotas and Wisconsin, Montana as well because would anybody even notice? Probably Florida since Canadians own so much of the real estate there already. New Orleans because it's really just southern Quebecois but most of the rest of Louisiana would be a no go, ditto for Texas because they really ought to be their own country as they act like it anyways. Ohio and Illinois would also be good candidates since they are broke and we could buy them up at par on the dollar. As for the rest, maybe Mexico will take them in. Quien Sabe?

You guys can adopt Colorado any time you want. We have some cool mountain ranges here just like you do, but it doesn't get quite as cold in the winter. And if you adopt us, Quebec can sort of get their hockey team back. Well, they'll at least be back in the same country anyway. Won't that be nice?

@Akfishlady I'll start packing. I knew Texas wouldn't make @surfpirate 's cut.

@Surfpirate Please include all of New England - we're ready!

@webbew1 Sorry about letting Colorado slip my mind, awesome place and progressive people too. How did you get surrounded by those other states that are so regressive?

@RavenCT I meant all of New England but couldn't remember how to spell Connecticut and Massachusetts.

@RavenCT, @StephC My wife thinks we should let Austin in but I don't see how we would separate it from the rest of Texass.

@Surfpirate Austin should be included as long as we can leave the Texas politicians behind. I think Austin would be ok with leaving Texas too. We can find a way to make it work.

@StephC personally I'd let Austin in just for the food alone.

@Surfpirate I'll buy you tacos or barbecue or whatever you like as a thanks for adopting us!

@StephC C'mon up and I'll make some fish tacos the way a little senorita taught me how in the Baja Sur. There is a little town about an hour south of Arkansas that has a hole in the wall smoke house with perhaps the finest BBQ I've ever tasted, Carl's Perfect Pig in White Bluff is also damned good. πŸ‘

@Surfpirate now I'm hungry! And I feel like we are really coming up with some good ideas here. Far better than the idiot in chief.

I'd join in a sec, since I really respect you guys, in general, and your society.
My worry would be, if the sane "usa-ians" all join Canada, who'd prevent the idiots from doing even more idiotic things?

@Surfpirate I'm so glad you want Florida, we know you love it here and if you adopt us you can stay as long as you want. No more 6 month curfew, you can Homestead your land and then you'd spend the extra money here. It's a Win-Win scenario.

@buzz13 Personally, I prefer Mexico as Florida is too dangerous for my tastes but the Quebecers just love Florida and I don't want to piss them off so Florida is in. πŸ‘

@njoy_life_2 No problem, we'll give everyone an IQ test and DNA screen them for inbreeding which will eliminate the worst elements, certainly get rid of any Trumpers trying to slip in and sabotage Canada. Right now we just rely on our bitter Canadian winters to keep out the southern Trump supporters but if he keeps accelerating Climate Change we may soon lose that natural defense that has kept the True North Strong and Free all these years.


I wholeheartedly agree and apologize as well. The majority of us did not want this!

StephC Level 7 June 10, 2018

Welcome to quite a few block lists.
I would not be surprised if you weren't a paid troll.
I did notice that you, (up to the point I blocked you) didn't manage to garner even 1 "like".
To add to the reasons to block you, is the " town" you have listed as yours.


Yes this. We really are sorry. Most of us didn’t vote for him.


I enthusiastically support your comment. It makes me very angry that trump would call Canada a security risk.


Cheeto is such a whiney spoilt little boy


I know a ton of Canadians most would say apologize is for wimps buy them a drink.

azzow2 Level 9 June 10, 2018

We can't afford that much alcohol! lol

@RavenCT You really can't, not even with the strong dollar. πŸ˜€

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