30 16

I have really had it as of today. I called my senators, my representative, my governor, and the White House. This fascist racist administration has just got to end. I’m sick of the white supremacy and sick of the Trump family getting rich off of the presidency. It’s disgusting at a level that is really beyond comprehension at this point. I don’t understand how anyone in the United States can support this.

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PhitDoctor50 7 June 19

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It is surreal to me this is really happening, and l did alot of acid in the 70's and 80's. Could this be a flash back? I think not. I never had a bad experience on acid. ?


I don't really recognize the country we are living in. It is disturbing.

I agree I'm disgusted and embarrassed by it

I'm ashamed to be an American.

Don't let the hate get you down. These are exciting times that will surely be written in history!

@ownworstenemy "exciting times" yes, but what types of exciting? How bad can it get? How low can we go? based on our nation's current vector, I am not optimistic about any positive outcome.

@NoMagicCookie I suppose I meant that through any tribulation, greatness can come of the struggles that you've been through. Right now seems you be very traumatic politically, emotionally, nationally. So many people who previously kept unspoken are speaking up. People are becoming more aware and the optimist in me thinks of the possibilities when you become awakened. I understand struggles don't always have good endings, and I too am disappointed with the current state of things. Generally speaking though, the spread of knowledge is a good thing. Regardless, good and bad, this right now will be a measure of things past and things to come.

As a country so many new policies are making a world wide impact and the world is watching. Whether we agree with the policies or not, they are truly notable and will be remembered. The future will tell the story if this is the beginning of greatness to come, or a dark beginning of the falling empire.

@JustLynnie my apologies for being insensitive.

I believe you're right that his policies are partly to blame. His rhetoric is partly to blame as well. I assume those tendencies were already there, he emboldens some to act out where before they may have been dormant.

I have had many conversations with neighbors and friends and can't believe it's still as bad as it is.
I empathize to the extent that I can. I wish none of it ever turns violent. I Hope you and you kid can remain safe and end up in a world that is unthreatening and fair to all!


You are right to be sickened by this draconian move by Trump, Sessions and a shamefully large number of Republicans.


Not just fuck Trump but also fuck all of his followers and Congress. And while I am at it fuck the Electoral College that made this sick inhuman POS the president. Oh yeah, while I'm on this tirade also fuck all of those people who decided to sit out the vote because they thought Hillary was as bad as the Orange Ass Hitler who is now commanding the WH. Our country is an embarrassment.

@Shelton my grandson is Guatemalan. I'm not a vengeful person by nature but this administration has crossed some very serious boundaries


Those who still support him should have to suffer some sort of consequences for that. It's un-American that they do.
Fuck 45.

KKGator Level 9 June 19, 2018

This is no longer my country. This is not what I believe. I feel like I'm living in a madman's dream.


I cried for almost an hour on my way home today after hearing the children on the boarder detention recording. I am at a loss

watch MSNBC the news ladies are crying on the air


Ultimately, who is to blame?

Trump/Pence ... or the millions of supporters who put them in the Whitehouse?

Yes - Trump's a cunt, but more terrifying by far is that millions of Americans are damn fool enough to still give this cunt their loyalty.

I have to agree. Anyone who voted for him after seeing him mock women, disabled people, Senator McCain, a gold star mother, and many more had to understand what kind of person he was. The fact that he stood there and said he could shoot a person in the street and still his followers voted. But he didn't win the popular vote, the Electoral College was his savior or should I say devil in this process. Our country is morally bankrupt.

@PhitDoctor50 Sadly, as the majority of Americans are theists, this is all completely believable.


I have been taught to replace a vowel with some symbol when writing a nasty word. So:

Fuck Tr~mp

That's clever!

? I’m still offended

@Wurlitzer Maybe it would help to block out more of the nasty word?

Fuck T~~~p


Got my pitchfork ready in case Americans start paying attention!


Trump has ripped the thin veneer of social responsibility off our inherently racist and fascist nation. When you have a festering boil, sometimes the best remedy is to pull off the thin scab and treat the infection underneath. The first part of that has been "achievement unlocked". Now to treat the infection. Step 1) vote out the GOP, which stands for Greed Before People; Step 2) impeach the orange baboon; Step 3) stand the motherfucker pussygrabber in front of a firing squad. One thing we need to do is stop playing nice. GOP outrage pandering relies on Dems/Progressives being too polite, too appalled to actually do anything substantive. Those asshole neighbors with MAGA signs on their lawns? Tag their houses with RACIST! BIGOT! Shun them in public. Show them our moral approbation and make it hit them in the wallet, most of all.

Blysse Level 3 June 20, 2018

@Blysse You Go Girl!!!! I want you on my team


Hes trash, as a person- period. No matter what job hes doing


It's gotten to be so much like 1930's Germany it's scary.


My nieces husband posted some stupid meme on Facebook about how American citizens are jailed and their children are taken away from them, placed in foster care and liberals say nothing. I made the mistake of replying and got some idiotic responses. I fail to see how anyone thinks this entire thing is acceptable.


Seriously, I don't know either... He's a moron, a criminal, and he has no common sense or any knowledge. Just when I think things have gotten to a ridiculous point, he proves me wrong.

mek7730 Level 7 June 19, 2018

Totally agree. And his legions of supporters kill my soul.


I am still aghast he and his ilk are in office.

Hordo Level 6 June 20, 2018

Ew. I don't "really" want to fuck trump. :/

I don't want to touch him with a ten foot pole.


I was given trump toilet paper, but I can't bring myself to let his face anywhere near my private bits.

@GinaMaria Hahaha!


Agree on all levels


Sick, depraved pig.


So Germany had "Nuremberg" for their trials. Which U S city will have its name go down in the annals of history for the trials here? Anyone who says, "its the law" or "just following orders" fuck em the unconscionable, spineless, orange cocksuckers.

it is totally unconscionable they are holding mass trials with 50 to 100 men or women at a time asking them to speak in unison WTF and babies 3 yrs old unrepresented are asked to tell why they want to have asylum and the judges say they know what is going on

they are freezing in cages or roasting in tents and if you want to raise terrorists what a formula to begin with

trump and sessions are loving this


Call senators and reps about the children and babies in jail at the border going to court to fend for themselves at 3 and 5 to tell why they want asylum and most will never see their families again..

trump has to be stopped now he is not our dictator he is not the king he is a criminal as is sessions

when did our country let this happen we would be the first to stop this elsewhere

this has to stop who is next ill give the number to the congress to call and demand change now

they are refusing families legal remedies turning them away before they get to our soil they are saying we are full and its hurting the border cities where they need these workers

I kind of agree finding jobs for anyone working with trump is a real challenge spicy had a hard time but I could not do that


It's like he's trying to not get re-elected. Of course, when that happens, his minions are going to go apeshit and the national guard may not be enough to contain the bullshit.

no he is getting bolder as they kiss his ass he thinks he can't be taken down

At that point, I'm afraid, the National Guard will be obeying him rather than the Constitution. Winning over the military and police forces is part of his plan.


Ms 13 is a gang that started here and as we deport them they have grown in el salvidor and nicaragua and are forcing kids as young as 10 to join or they kill them


I applaud you...I have been falling by the wayside, calling my congressman! I am away from what is familiar and I need new contacts.


He is a nazi racist. Love to hang him and his cabinet by the balls/feet and torture them.

Thats pretty disturbing.

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