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How do you explain to someone else why we should all fundamentally care about each other and our only planet? It’s exhausting.

I count myself as a progressive primarily because I find the left’s account of the world far more compelling, compassionate, authentic, honest, and productive than the right’s.


thinkingsooner 6 June 20

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I don't know the answer to this as most of our politicians are self-centred with their off shore tax havens etc. I think a lot of us do care about each other but its getting harder here in the U.K as so many people are below the poverty line and homeless. I live in a small seaside town and am not from here (northern Ireland) but the relentless heartlessness of the U.K government is hard to withstand knowing that some child somewhere is living in a dangerous property at fire risk; that the national health service is being run down so that some private company can take over -- the list of heartlessness goes on forever and it grinds you down and seriously I don't know how to help as the help that is needed is just money. I am 70 y.old and have never lived through such discouraging and dangerous times I support a charity by sending money which I get by doing peoples laundry, shopping and ironing, but its a drop in hte ocean compared to what is needed.

jacpod Level 8 June 20, 2018

Just like that, Some will listen, others won't. Focus and group with those who care, but don't stop and don't give up, we need you. ♥


I wonder whether volunteering in a “ICE tender age shelter” would warm any pro-Trump hearts? likely not, because they agree with his rhetoric and they were heartless before Trump appeared on the scene. We need to help “neutrals” feel enough compassion to join the cause.

UUNJ Level 8 June 20, 2018

The best approach I've had is to remind them how completely and totally dependent we are on other people. The food you eat was grown by a farmer, processed and loaded on a truck, driven to a store or distribution center, unloaded, and then either prepared by a cook and brought to you by a server, or stocked on shelves, and sold to you. That's a minimum of 6 people (hundreds being far more likely) that made it possible for you to eat a potato.

A similar chain of people working together is behind every single thing you do, every single day. Most of those people make shit wages. They work hard and their health (both mental and physical) suffers. They call off work, quit, or die and that delays you getting your medication. They aren't having children, so there aren't fresh young people to take their spots.


I like it when the right acts like its some dastardly left wing conspiracy plot to clean the air and water. How dare you fight to prevent a pipeline that EVERYBODY knows will break and leak oil into our water supply! lol

you are right! We can build a pipeliner that will not break but greed takes over and they cut corners so we can bet there will be a major 5 to 10 years after completion and the company in charge is long gone with the profits leaving the government to clean it up at our expense.


I wish I knew why some humans are so selfish and self centered, greedy and uncaring. I don't understand people who are not empathetic. It just seems to me they lack something in their psyche. How can we promote sharing, peace and love?


"Often, we are pitched the idea that we should do service work because it “feels good”—a notion I take issue with. We should do it because we recognize that we are a part of a society from which we enjoy benefits. We have lucked into many of those benefits, and we continue to enjoy them because there are systems in place to make sure we remain the beneficiaries of these systems.

"And so, we do work in order to help other people who haven’t been so undeservingly fortunate. We do it as part of our rent for being on this earth and soaking up its resources; we do it because we recognize that a society where people do not help one another is a society where no one is ever safe or at peace. I suspect we’d all benefit if “volunteering” were treated as much closer to a requirement rather than optional."

Carvell Wallace, Slate Magazine
June 20, 2018


Their lack of human compassion notwithstanding, what gets me are those who think creating hardship and letting others suffer somehow makes those others better people...stronger because they survived? The old nobody helped me/ bootstraps/ individual responsibility rant.


I would imagine removing labels from your own politics would be a good start. Conservatives aren't actually conservative, people who want to save the planet are. Without labels the people who don't think rationally won't be able to tell, and might find themselves the victim of some life changing experiences.

Todays conservative means greedy ass person only cares of what they want and when they want it. We consevatation so we can make our world last as long as possible.

I'm just jabbing at the actual definition in an attempt to show labels are misguided and technically incorrect.


If they can't/want even abide by what their own religious texts instructs and commands them them to do, there is nothing any one can say or do that will make any difference to them.


You don’t. The simple and undeniable truth is is that we are going to believe what we want. And despite showing evidence that contradicts what they believe, they will only cling tighter to said belief.

And while I agree with you, it’s not your job to change people’s minds. But I hope you find success with changing their minds.

Leo716 Level 6 June 20, 2018

Many are that way. Solid in there ignorance. A co worker of mine once "bragged" that he had never read a book. But if there are any we can peel off from that path we have to try. They have been working diligently at trying to force there beliefs on others and have enjoyed success as a result. We need more loud mouthed blowhards on our side getting our views out there or they will always outnumber us.


I agree, unfortunately most people are selfish bastards.


you can't people learn. A saying you can lead a horse to water but can't make it drink. Those who don't care about anyone but themselves are poor examples of life. A progressive why we went with that from liberal which is from liberty also means freedom. Think about others even in the future. We find out something is going wrong we want to start work on fixing it not wait till its too late like the greedy will do.


If, by the time someone is an adult, they haven't figured it out themselves why they should care , I'm not sure any explaining will help.


I have to spend some time once a month with a majority of white, rightwing, mysoganistic, science denying, bible thumping Christians. And it is Extreamly not to lose it. Its tough when you are in an environment that fosters and reinforces poor thinking. I stand my ground though and a few people have come to ask my opinions on some topics. I just break it down slowly and simple and don't argue.

Let me guess, your in the reserves/national guard too? lol

Arguing is just a waste of time and energy.

Exactly I just relay info. If they want it awesome if not oh well

Oh the joys

@SeanNock I know them too well. 🙂


Maybe you can work on the people in FAR LEFT California.. shitting in the streets.

Yes, shitting in the streets. In the 5th largest economy in the world. Growing faster than most of America. High wages. Beaches. Mountains. Deserts. Yosemite. Paradise. Where are you from?


Interesting post ma'am. I count myself as a Conservative. I care about the stewardship of our planet. And I care about the well being of my fellow countrymen. I am active in supporting those causes I believe in, financially. The difference I see between my approach and possibly others is simply one of methodology.

I am inclined to agree with you sir.


Stop beating your head against the same wall. You have no control over others. People don't have to think the way that you want them to. And they don't have to do what you want them to do. And they are not required to agree with you either. The more you realize this, the less anguish you'll feel.

Toootally kid. Lets let others keep ruining peoples live for profit and to further their stupid beliefs. Inclusion uber alles!


We should all be caring and concerned. Where is the line drawn though between indifference and action? There's a fatal trucking accident in Australia (example). The US never hears about nor reports it. What should we do? What I'm getting at is that there is too much information, and when it is far (beyond a few miles) away, it gets ignored. Should I stop at an accident where the police, tow trucks, and ambulances are (not knowing any of the cars involved)? Or do I just gauck (sp) at the scene, endangering myself? The majority of people are focused on their niche in the world.

xyz123 Level 7 June 20, 2018

Caring about others in principle isn't the same as trying to save the world single-handedly or giving away all your money to the poor or something. We are all responsible for our "niche". Caring about others is recognizing how we fit in with everyone else's niche, and not being tribal or indifferent about others or different ways of being. It is staying IN your lane, by not fighting with everyone or excluding others, etc.


I make sure that I have my facts straight first and I just oass on the data. I find, however, that many folks just don’t want to be bothered with these concerns. That is why we need regulation and law to protect the environment snd the planet. To that end, we need to vote and actively work to elect representatives who agree with these needs. The Golden Rule applies here as well. You don’t havrme to believe this concept comes from god, you just have to know that it is s good way to live.



All we can do is live by example and do our best!


My views are similar to yours! We should care about each other and our current political environment is counter to that idea. I lived in Switzerland where the system cared about its residents.


The easiest way to gain support for any campaign is to create a common fear. In doing this you try to form the largest "tribe" to follow you. As you know the latest "fear" is immigration although it has never been an real problem, more of a net gain really. Someone creates this fear, stokes it with lies and misleading info and pretty soon this person can claim his farts smell like grandma's Apple pie. Soon enough everyone divides into their tribes and eschews every thing that could benefit another tribe-even if it would benefit them too. There is a large segment of the population that is easily led down this path. Narcissism, not just for breakfast anymore.


The problem may be education. Many do not appreciate the collective that we are. They see themselves as walking uphill always, struggling to carve out some relief. I am 71 and do not have the energy to try educating them over and over again. The answer may be with educated youth who spur a future or milieu of a caring society.




There has been some studies published that demonstrate a difference in how conservative and liberal minds are "wired". I think there will always be a continuum of approaches to and perceptions about life.


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