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Do you regularly meet up with other atheists/agnostics? I do about once a week. I love the fact that I can speak about my atheism with others that are like-minded. I have actually found out that there are several different groups fairly close to where I live, and I live in the bible belt (Texas.) One group I meet with is a social/activist group. The other is actually a book club for atheists and Christians. One month we discuss an atheist book. The next month we discuss a Christian book.

Cabsmom 8 June 29

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Near my hometown in southwest GA, I joined an atheist group in Nov or Dec 2012. We would meet maybe once a week for game nights or discussions. Unfortunately I had to move to Rome, GA in April 2013 for a job. Thinking about it, I don't think I've met any atheists since moving to Rome; however, if I have, then nothing came of it. 😟



Most of my friends are agnostic or atheist, I think. We don't really talk much about it, tbh. We almost never acknowledge that religion even exists when hanging out, so for all practical purposes we may as well all be atheist/agnostic


I wish, I am the only Athiest among my family and friends, except 1 niece.


I'd love to, I know of a few meetings in my area for atheists, but being the nervous person I am, meeting new people is scary.

It is not uncommon in our circles for some to not be comfortable in social situations (introverted), social anxiety does appear to be more prevelent amongst atheists, from my observation.

I am both an extrovert and an introvert, it depends on my mood, sometimes I completely shut out the world around me, other times I jump right in...


I am a member of a couple of Atheist / Humanist Meetup groups in Phoenix. I meet other members about once a week.


I'd love to have an atheist/christian book club, JEALOUS!

Almost every day I chat with various atheist/agnostic friends or acquaintances.

My dog park friends are very liberal and mostly atheist or agnostic. People I got to university or library events are 100% agnostic except one serious atheist.

Hey, I'm an extrovert. I feel weird if two days go by and I don't have a good chat.


Here in Australia atheism is more mainstream' than it is in the US. consequently many, if not most folk I meet are either atheist or agnostic- Christians appear to be the exception. There are groups around, but I haven't felt the need of them.

StJohn Level 6 June 29, 2018

I have found a group that meets once a week near me but I haven't had time so far to go to a meeting. I do want to however. I'd love to sit and have a conversation with adults and know that there shouldn't be any awkward religious statements that I have to pretend to agree with. I usually just don't say anything or try to change the subject. I know many folks would be shocked it they knew how I believe.

Daphne Level 4 June 29, 2018

How might one locate such groups in their own locale?

American Humanist Association find a chapter []

@HippieChick58 Thanks. A group meets twice a month about an hour from me. Everything is an hour from me.

@HippieChick58 Excellent!

@CallMeDave I'm sorry. Love the name of the area you're in. I grew up as a Smith.

Here...a list of some groups in your state:

Atheist Artists and Free Thinkers, Fairfax
Charlottesville Skeptics
Richmond Area Freethinkers
Northern Virginia / Beltway Atheists
Richmond Reason and Naturalism Association Meetup
Shenandoah Valley Atheist and Secular Humanist, Cross Junction
Tidewater Atheists Group Meetup
Washington Area Secular Humanists, Northern Virgina Chapter

They may tell you about other groups as well.


i tried but I'm too awkward around people.

@Quazi too true


I try to, but my wife is Catholic, and she doesn't really like going. I don't want to get in the habit of going by myself, because I don't think it's good for the marriage, and because I like having her with me.


I would not be able to discuss a Christian book ?

@Quazi Just out of curiosity, are you an atheist?


I'm part of a local Meetup group made up of free thinkers; the group usually has 4-5 events a week for ppl to chose from


No but I think it would be great.


We have meetups twice per month, all wonderful and intelligent people from different backgrounds, age groups, and skill sets; by coincidence, we mostly share the same political views too, so that helps. We also do a community trail cleanup once a month (not in Winter) as a group; during Summer, we also do activities like hiking and camping. It's nice to spend time with like-minded people, then again, I don't exactly live in a Bible belt, I can only imagine what a relief it must be for you to have that connection.


No, but that sounds intriguing. I’m typically pretty busy though.


I used to meet with two groups...but one got disbanded and the other started to get stupid people as members and I left.


Interesting. When I get back to the US, I plan to use the Facebook meet up/dating app to meet like-minded people at local events of mutual interest.

I don't really care if a group is "atheist" or "agnostic" because most educated people in Lexington, KY, are already liberal.

Also, I have no wish to read or discuss "atheist" or "religious" books. When I read, I read for my pleasure, and not to prove any points.


I don't.. but now I'm wondering if there is such a group near me. Maybe I'll check into it!



I live in a rural area near Waco, TX and do not know of any such groups near me. I might like to attend one to see if I would be interested. However, I am a loner and an introvert and prefer to be by myself most of the time, but I am capable of being social, only for a limited amount of time.


I watch a lot of Atheistic Programs on You Tub of which there are many and they have great debates. Christopher Hitchens, Bart Ehrman, Matt Dillehunty, and the rest that pop up. I also read other interesting Books on the "Lost Gospels , Gospel of St, Thomas, and the discoveries at Nag Hadammi.
I could never understand the fact the the Four Evangelists were Illiterate Fishermen who could not read of write and that their Gospels are written thru hand me down oral interpretations 200 yrs. or later after their demise. To get into the Historicity of the Bible is fantastic reading and to begin you only have to go You Tube and you will find all the sources, Books, Authors, and arguments by the persons whom I have listed above.

YouTube is my go to Internet activity place. I do think that most of what is on YouTube and indeed the internet is just opinions and should be taken with skepticism. Interesting, amusing and informative none-the-less.


That would be great. I'll have to explore and see if that's something I can find in my area.

I would encourage you to look, because it can be really refreshing to meet work other non-believers.



Most of my friends are atheist so I guess we meet up lol. We just don't plan it we just go to each other's houses, go in through the door and yell entertain me lol.


Yes, it's called "fellowship" and there is no reason why only religious groups can have that concept.


Sorry if you've seen me write about this before, Unitarian Universalist Churches are a way to connect with non-believers. You'll find some woo-woo people who believe in crystal power or worship tinfoil hats, but IME the wooiest get peer pressured to be less woo. You'll find an occasional liberal Christian who can't hang with idiots, unfortunately my UUs token Christian died this year.

Here's what the national UU says about atheism/agnosticism. []
"People with atheist and agnostic beliefs find a supportive community in our congregations. We are pro-science, pro-reason, and pro-Evolution. We know there is no "one right answer" when it comes to belief, and we don't let that stop us from taking action for a better world. We build a community that welcomes us in our wholeness, cherishes our doubts, and invites our ongoing search for truth."

There's no doctrine, but here's the Seven Principles every UU espouses
1st Principle: The inherent worth and dignity of every person;

2nd Principle: Justice, equity and compassion in human relations;

3rd Principle: Acceptance of one another and encouragement for spiritual growth;

4th Principle: A free and responsible search for truth and meaning;

5th Principle: The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large;

6th Principle: The goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all;

7th Principle: Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.

I joined a Unitarian Society. It was a good choice for me. Most members are atheist. A few people believe in a creator but they don't mention it much. They concentrate on the here and now - what they can do to make the world a better place. I know other atheists and agnostics who find kindred spirits in the local chapter of Humanists or the local chapter of Atheists. In the large cities it is easy to find Thinkers. Not so in small towns, at least the small towns I lived in, before I fled to a larger community.


I live in New York, but in a Trump-supporting town, so the answer for me is no.

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