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Just had to share this with everyone more hypocrisy I was talking to customer the other day and said that I was on a new community site when asked what it was I informed it was and she said oh you're just looking for women to have sex with I'm like what do you mean she says well they're all atheists and agnostics they have no morals they're just into it for sex sometimes people psychoses just blows my mind

Drsmash253 7 July 2

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Hey, now wait just one minute here. Nobody told me about any of that stuff.

@zeuser, it was in the fine print that everyone blows through when joining anything on the internet. As a matter of fact we're all obligated to have sex with anyone from any group we've ever joined.
I think the theists sneaked it by us ; )

@freeofgod finally, some rules I can live with. ?


Why is it that the ONLY ones involved in all the sex scandals that make the news
are religious folks?

@JustLynnie I think it should be legal to smack religious hypocrites.
With a 2x4.


Since we're all here, let's have a massive orgy, immoral heathens!!

You grab the spatula, I'll find the butterscotch.


Wow! Why the hell does liking sex equate to low morality? Have sex with as many people as you like, however you like. As long as everyone is honest and consenting adults, enjoy your ethical sexuality! I'd prefer an honest "slut" to a sneaky cheating "prude".

well the word slut bothers me I rather say sexually liberated free minded person


If atheism was a direct line to immoral sex romps, religion wouldn't survive college.

You mean puberty, right?

@evidentialist lol, well... I was trying to give humanity a little credit


Please direct me to said woman. For, uh, science....


I guess she doesn't think sex and morals can happen at the same time? Poor dear, to be so narrowly focused and judgmental must be so wonder she is not getting any....


Its infuriating! They need the fucking bible as their moral compass, well I don't, I was raised right and it comes from within!

And their bible is a piss poor example of morality.


Where is all this sexing going on? Someone anyone, quick, create a sex group. It seems we are not living up to expectations of outsiders!


This is kind of sad. In a way this would be an admission that she does not believe that humans are in fact moral creatures. However I think it is more an expression of Tribalism then a statement about humanity. Your not one of us she told you.

@RavennMunnin, this is what I really hate about religion. They teach that a person can't be moral unless they believe in god. More specifically their god. Religions breed hatred and bigotry. IMHO


Wow. What an irrational person. Ok so where is all this sex? I guess I was busy at work or fishing.


Please add punctuation . It makes what you're saying ,easier to understand .

I do when writting a paper filing legal papers but here its social media


I just don't understand why some people choose to be ignorant.


I was talking to a nice Lady at my Gallery just the other day. It started out OK, but she got stranger as she talked, and finally said she hated "The naked statues and paintings because they were obscene." It was strange, since she was standing in my Art Gallery at the time....


Oh No!! They are on to us.


Ignorant woman-feel sorry for her. Lady you're sick in the head.


Did you ask what is wrong with that? Then ask you have moral like priest molesting kids? Stoning women for not being virgins, honor killings the list can go on and on.


What an obnoxious woman.

If anything, priests are in it for the sex - with young boys.


Oh yeah. That's why I'm here!


That’s ridiculous


Are these the morals we were given instructing us how to treat slaves trick them into staying, how to stone people to death The only one they will be able to remember is the golden rule stolen from (Confucius), stealing and murder all the other morals are not consistent with our morals as a nearly civilised species today but will come in handy if your neighbour has an ass.


Almost everyone loves sex. The problem with this woman is that she believes morality came to humans by way of her god. She also believes the Garden of Eden story with Adam and Eve which means we all got here by way of incest over a long period of time. Her moral god had no better plan than this and it's also because of that plan that we all need salvation.

Don't worry if it makes no sense to you. Evangelicals believe it. 🙂

You forgot the part about how he then killed everyone except for one family, so they cold do the incest thing all over again. Except this time the animals got in on the incest action. (the flood)


If you limit your exposure to other ways people operate in the end up with a limit view of who/what the world is made up of! I am amazed that there is more information televised...than there ever has been in the history of the world and yet people have limited knowledge of people a few hundred miles away! Did they care? Did they really want to know? Maybe our expectations of most people is unrealistic?


Oh lawdy lawdy lawdy, had I knowed that I wouldn'ta joined.


Oh yes, a decadent, immoral bunch we automatically are , eh ?



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