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Global warming

HippieChick58 9 Jan 1

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@HippieChick58 You remind me of someone I knew.


Is your name Donna?

I had a therapist in Sterling, CO that resembled you, like a lot.


Yup, rightly idgits are extraordinarily anti-science on the subjects of climate change, evolution, cannibis and others. Lefty idgits are extraordinarily anti-science on the subjects of guns / crime policy, minimum wage, the non-existent "gender wage gap", and others.

Hate to break it to you Danny boy, but guns / crime policy, minimum wage, gender wage gap are not sciences.

Well, you're obviously dead wrong, and know NOTHING about what science is, godef-boy, because science includes social sciences in addition to hard sciences, and the social sciences are alive and well - and they PROVE things in peer-reviewed journals just like hard sciences - things like impeccable, triple-regression-analyzed, 10-year, 3000-county research from a U. of Chicago professor that shows unequivocally that shall-issue CCW laws reduce ALL categories of violent crime, including rape, robbery, aggravated assault, and homicide, including homicide with guns, and including mass public shootings. So Bzzzt, try again. Guess you never heard of social sciences.

...just as but one example. Those are political topics on which there is a LOT of good social science data to guide and illuminate them. Which lefties who pretend to be pro-science often ignore.


Global warming must be evaluated by industry independent organizations that must not accept fund from profit oriented companies. Reliable research had been done and reliable data are public available. NASA provides important information for mankind on []
NASA proves the steady increase of CO2 in the atmosphere that is caused by mankind. Graphs are provided. So far, global warming is just a small increase in average temperature but has already caused climate change such as the melting of ice. The longterm future is the slow suffocation of mankind. The rise of CO2 can not be stopped immediately. Therefore, the stakeholders involved in fossil fuel burning must slow down. Otherwise, a world-wide class action lawsuit should be initiated against the climate deniers.

Guido Level 4 Jan 1, 2018

All good,but I do not Always believe Nasa.


Is that Pluto?

godef Level 7 Jan 1, 2018

What do guns / crime policy, minimum wage, and the non-existent "gender wage gap" have to do with science. Sounds more like greed. OK, psychology I guess

godef Level 7 Jan 1, 2018

its cold here today


Hahahahahahahaha...Yeeeee Haaaaaa!


Is a fact. Deal with it.


This is an excerpt from my forthcoming book, Scapegoats (Golden Fleece Press, March 2018 )

Bert Goat is delivering a paper on alternative energy. Yes, Bert is an actual goat.

[e]very blessed one of the Nobel Prize winners who sign climate change petitions, every last one of them, and probably all of our two-legged friends who attended high school know it in a deep and distant memory. If you have a reservoir of hot, a reservoir of cold, and a wall between them, and you punch a hole in the wall and put a spinny thing in the hole, you generate power. The hot side cools down and the cold side heats up. The climate problem is exactly that model. We have a virtually infinite cold side in good shape, the upper atmosphere and space. Because of a carbon build up, there is now a THICKER WALL between the hot and cold sides. If you don’t like how hot the hot side is, all you have to do is PUNCH A BLEATING HOLE IN THE WALL AND PUT A SPINNY THING IN THE HOLE. We see this effect every day on the weather report; that’s how hurricanes and tornadoes are powered. Any climatologist who does not start with that proposition before making a climate statement dishonors the entire scientific enterprise. Any journalist who does not begin a climate article with that proposition should go back to J school or cover the obituaries or the social register or something. Have the kites hoist solar tower siphons, and, if we needed to, we could actually cool the planet. People of whatever type, two or four legs, herbivore or carnivore, I thank you for your time. I’m going back to my slide rule.”


My joke of the day is that I knew that Drumpf would deny global war, but I didn't know that he would end it."


sounds just like our White House occupant ...


The Earth has an atmosphere with a 100% chance for climate. Homo Sapiens are fleas riding the back of a Leviathan.


Global Warming is absolutely happening and caused by humans. It has become undeniable by all but the truly insane. We will likely see +4C total warming by the end of this century. My granddaughter will probably live to see it. It won't be good for human civilization but I suspect that worst case scenario will in fact happen.


The original term was "global warming". Then the more enlightened among us realized this offered too many questions among the illiterati and changed the term to the more applicable "Climate Change". When most people say Global Warming you know what side of the fence they are on. It's the same as sticking to the word homosexual as a way of avoiding uncomfortable ideas.

I have been waiting to use this analogy for some time: Remember Jack Nicholson's quote in the film "A Few Good Men" (about not being able to handle the truth). When some hear this truth they book a flight to Egypt so they can bury their heads in the sands of de nial.

I get a bit of schadenfreude when I see a climate calamity in the bible belt.


It's all fun and games until the trees give up.


Sadly, too true.


What is the expansion and contraction of the earth elliptical path called again. I believe that global thermal change is a naturally occurring pattern that has been going on millions and millions of years. The dinosaurs would have been the biggest offenders spewing methane into the atmosphere for millions of years. The pisants with myopic agendas can sell the public misleading topics to help support agenda in most cases being more ludicrous than used car salespeople are selling a reliable car/truck. Next they will actually try and convince people Al Gore invented the internet ROFLMAO


this picture is the reality so not funny


Unfortunately, that attitude is coming from our President. Uch.

Gary Level 4 Jan 2, 2018

Unfortunately, that attitude is coming from our President. Uch.

Gary Level 4 Jan 2, 2018

Global warming is causing Michigan to be colder than Alaska again!

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