If you were to go to a ComicCon like convention, what superhero, cartoon character etc. Anything goes. Which one would you dress up like?
I don't know why this quirky ass answer popped into my mind but I think that I would go as the last man on Earth
Nyssa al Ghul (as interpreted on the Arrow TV show). But I dressed up as a Ninja Turtle instead to meet the Arrow himself (because he starred in the NinjaTurtles movie).
Very Nice!!
I believe in the Twilight Zone Burgess Meredith played the last man on Earth so I think you'd need a pair of broken glasses
Time Enough at Last.
A stack of books. And weeping.
Once i dressed up as Luke Skywalker with my baby on my back in a carrier dressed as Yoda
I think I could pull off a respectable Dr. Strange .
Either Bane, or the Tick.
I miss the tick lol
@Affinityshadow me too, it's probably on some channel or youtube
@JohnINFP yah with heavy birdman attorney at law lol
I've been to a few cons. Lots of Banes, No Ticks. It would be a welcomed change.
The invisible man and stay home where I rather be.
Thought about it a few minutes and, a picture of the Cowardly Lion from the original Wizard of Oz.. I'm a Leo true to form and we all can use more courage!
I don't know anything about that stuff but just wondering if there is a superhero that goes around to comicons and kills all the people dressing up as superheroes because I would probably be dressed up as that guy.
Just to make you folks wonder. Is he THAT guy or just dressed up like THAT guy?
Or a tom baker dr who
Ever seen "Basket Case?" That's a really bizarre 80 era movie.
My daughter dressed as Janet Reno once and came home pissed when no one knew who she was.
So there's that.