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Sparked by another member's question: what are your thoughts on girls calling their guys "daddy"? Especially in the sense of the daddy dom/baby girl thing?

BangkokBette 5 July 4

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My kids called me daddy when they were younger. That's enough, I don't need that from a grown up woman. But if some other couples are into that, OK.


People do this?

Man, I really need to start watching more porn, so I can stop embarrassing myself with all these important things I don't know.


I shut it down, I have two daughters. They are the only ones I feel comfortable calling me daddy.


None of my business what people call each other in relationship. I’ve been in that type of relationship in the past and what went on between us was nobody else’s business.

Great point! For the love of Gob and Jeebus, let it go! No creo en Dios!


I don’t mind what other consenting adults do, as long as they aren’t imposing it on other people. I wouldn’t want someone judging my sexual interests.

UUNJ Level 8 July 4, 2018

Lot’s of judging going on here. Not my thing but I’m sure some of what I’m into wouldn’t be their thing either. To each their own.

@Marcie1974 I don't agree that people expressing their dislike or distaste for a particular sexual practice is judgmental. It seems like almost everybody expressing that it wouldn't be for them, but to each their own.

@BlueWave I agree with you to a point. I indicated it isn’t my thing, in a (hopefully) non-judge mental way. But in reading through some of the other comments it appears some people are judging, and quite harshly.

Just because it’s “icky” to some people, doesn’t necessarily give them the right to judge negatively. Not all the comments were judgmental....but some are.


Whatever two consenting adults want to call themselves is Nobody's Business...

Unless it's Mike Pence calling his wife "Mother"...

@HopefullyWiser haha, yeah, he does that, doesn't he?


In the sense of the daddy dom/ baby girl thing ... obvs that's something they have agreed on. What business is it of yours ? Or mine ? ?


The only person I want calling me "Daddy" is my daughter.


I'll take "daddy" any day over what my wife calls me - "Schmuck"

Schmuck is better than schmeckel!

@Jnei But in my case schmeckel would not apply. 🙂


I've been pretty turned off by it. Being a bit of a kinkster myself, I've noticed a rise in this kind of thing. All areas have trends and that seems to be one.

I personally think it is bad mental health, but then I try not to judge too harshly. Kink sometimes allows people to let things come out of the shadows of the psyche into the light of examination with another person or other people present. That can be a very healing and useful exercise if consent and safety are respected. In this way, it can be a kind of meditation.

But yeah, I don't like being called daddy, dealing with brattiness, or changing diapers. To each their own.


Not really my business, but EEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWW


Not into it and find it creepy. I have reluctantly said it for former lovers that were into it but I don’t get it.


The whole BDSM thing is sick in my opinion. It's a safe haven for sadists, masochists, misogynists etc. And I take issue with the 'consent' get out clause. So long as there is misogyny in the world and more importantly internalised misogyny I question the validity of any consent.

Totalitarianism is still totalitarianism even when it has the best intentions and is rooted in half-truth. Respecting autonomy is a value.


I disagree. I'm not advocating banning it. But free speech is free speech. It is not one sided.

I've read enough articles written by women who've been damaged by 'doms'. Then there are serial killers who visit BDSM sites before going on their killing sprees.

But it's all consentual. Nothing to do with internalised misogyny or internalised shame borne of a religious upbringing.

Totalitarianism includes silencing criticism.

I disagree. I’ve really enjoyed all my BDSM experiences as a sub. I consider myself a feminist but it’s just something I enjoy. Are there predators out there? Absolutely. But that goes for vanilla interactions as well. Also there are plenty of women who are the Dominant.

As a side note, I would not be able to live the BDSM lifestyle 24/7. I’m only interested in the bedroom and not necessarily every time I’m intimate with someone. That being said, I’m not going to judge someone else who is.


One thing that really pisses me off is the passive aggressive label that the smirking BDSM community reserves for the non BDSM community, which is the label of vanilla.

@Ellatynemouth I’m not smirking when I say vanilla. How about non-kink?

I have a very good male friend who grew up in an abusive household and is completely not into spanking or any type of BDSM. I completely respect that and would never encourage him to try and take on a dominant role. He’s knows I enjoy it and has tried to accommodate a few times. I shut him down immediately from doing it though because I know it makes him uncomfortable.

If being either a Dom or sub makes you uncomfortable, don’t do it. Simple as that. Honestly, I don’t know why I enjoy it. I grew up in an upper middle class 2 parent household. Pretty standard midwestern upbringing. My mom spanked as punishment on occasion but that was pretty much the norm for the 1980s I think. I consciously decided not to use that as punishment with my children because I do not believe it helped reinforce what I had done wrong. My point is that I didn’t have some kind of broken childhood that “made” me this way.

As I said previously, I don’t want kink every time but I find it fun and erotic occasionally. I decided not to overthink it and just do what feels good to me.


Non kink or non BDSM is better. But vanilla is put down.

@Ellatynemouth duly noted....thank you for pointing it out.


You are correct. I'm a hypocrite. I hold my hands up.

Inflicting pain on someone and humiliating them, then having to spend time afterwards to tend to the wounds and injuries their dom has inflicted on them is quite normal and healthy.

And how this mentality has entered the mainstream causing problems for women is not an issue. If a woman doesn't want to be slapped hard across the face she's vanilla. She's shamed.

Call me vanilla.

@Ellatynemouth uhhh... you were shaming people. Most of us said live and let live...


Here's the thing.

BDSM has offered a safe haven to misogynists and those with internalised misogyny. It's akin to offering a room to abuser and the abused.

What I take fucking exception to is your shit being pushed in my face in my daily life.

I have closed two mainstream dating accounts because I was sick of seeing men's profiles with photos of women being brutalised, bound and gagged.


I stand by every comment. BDSM has given the green light to misogynists. Women around the world are suffering because of it.

Your snydey reply just confirms things.


Ohhh... Creepy!

Creepy, creepy, creepy. ?

...But I'll echo the opinion of others: NOMB if it's their thing, but if they say it in front of me, I reserve the right to freeze my grin and gaze with eyes that say "o-kaaaay".


Like some of the others here, I am always supportive of whatever consenting adults want to do together as long as they're not hurting anyone else. Carpe Diem.

Personally... Later in life I had a guy ask me to call him Daddy. Initially, I was like, "what the fuck? Is this an incest/pedophilia thing?" I did some research on the daddy dom stuff, talked with him about his motivations, and was satisfied with the answers I got... So I got myself a daddy. Ive always been submissive, kink wise (dominant in every other facet of life) but this was a whole new sub experience, and a welcome one. Sub stuff, but with so much attention, affection and affirmation. Yes, please! I'm a convert.

Anyway, thanks for everyone's honest answers. ☺

I prefer a dominate leaning woman. I guess that's a smidge kinky. : )


ew ick ? way too creepy 😕


NOPE, never ever ever ever.


I have better things to do than police other's relationships... Who gives a shit? The USA has huge problems right now.


Ugh, no, age play creeps me the fuck out.


To each their own. As long as everyone is a consenting adult, I could give a
shit. I just don't want to hear it.


Im a dom/sadist but i cannot abide the daddy thing. While many of my friends are into ddlg relationships and i can understand the ideals, i can only feel like a pedophile when its used on me. To each theirs, just not for me.


That is just about the creepiest thing in the whole world for me.

Jnei Level 8 July 5, 2018

Ugh.....x1000 for me. If a partner requested my saying that, I’d be turned off completely.


I am disturbed by that sort of behavior. A tell tale sign of someone with " daddy" issues


Nasty. I've never had a woman I've been with call me daddy, and I hope that I never do. Just the thought gives me the willies.



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