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I wanted to share an update on my "Romantic Situation" here at agnostic since it is This Site that is responsible for what I am about to type and because a number of my good friends wanted me to keep them in the loop.

Although I was late in sharing (I am extremely private, therefore I kept this info to myself for a hot minute before I even let it be known on the site) the fact that I had met and begun dating a gentleman from this site, I finally posted about it a month ago revealing our romance.

Well, bigger news! We have secured a home together in my city and he will be moving out here at the end of August and we are going to be getting married at the end of September.

I have no idea how many people from have met/are dating, but Especially that are engaged and getting married, however, Just SO EVERYONE out there Knows... This Site DOES work as a dating app. I know people always ask if anyone has met a love interest at the site or if it is more of a socialization tool. It is Both, but in my case, I wasn't looking... and yet... I FOUND what I wanted and needed.

@Admin THANK YOU! Not sure if we are the first to do this, but... you are about to have a Marriage take place between a couple that met here, thanks to your site! 😉

@tivesz the cat is re-let out of the bag, sir!

I LOVE this site, but I haven't been around for a couple of weeks. I have been overwhelmingly busy, but i WANTED to take the time to make this post and to share the joyous news with my posse and crew here at agnostic. And incase anyone missed who it is I speak of, I am posting my loves photo again. 🙂

Sadoi 7 Aug 1

Enjoy being online again!

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Will there be a church wedding so you can exchange your vows in the sight of God that He may Bless your union and keep it Holy?

I think I'd rather have Caligula Caesar perform the ceremony, including the anal rape he provided, over the god wedding! Lol. I think... That just about explains it! Hahaha


is there an area on this site for testimonials for successful connections? anyone?

Hmm thats a good question... @admin ??

They certainly need it! 😉


Lucky you, all the best.


Congratulations to you both. We all here in the community wish you joy and happiness!


Praise the LORD!


Wonderful! Congratulations!!


Love his eyes and that smurk. Congratulations and i too thank you for sharing. Ive met very interesting men here but they live out of state and schefuling is a bitch. Keep us posted... Live well and happy

EvaV Level 7 Aug 2, 2018

Aww, thank you for the compliment 🙂

I agree! 😉 His eyes are one of my favorite features of his. And THANK YOU! 🙂


Good luck and much happiness to both of you! ?


@Sadoi and @tivesz -- mazel tov!!


Congratulations! You're preaching to the choir here. =] So very happy for you.


That is fantastic news congratulations ?

Salo Level 7 Aug 1, 2018

This is such great news! Congratulations both of you. It's an inspiration everyone who hoping find their person!


Congratulations you two...and in the tradition of Luca Brazzi of The Corleone Family..."May your first child be an Atheist Child !"


Congrats to you guys! (make sure you stick around, pretty soon the site will want to make a TV commercial about couples on this site for the Bible belt viewers)


Congratulations to you both!


Best of luck to you. You are very pretty for a 96 year old woman. 🙂


Made up for you Sadoi xx


Wow! That's wonderful. Congratulations to you both!


Right on. Good luck you two!


Best wishes for the future

Coldo Level 8 Aug 1, 2018



Good luck and best wishes!


Wonderful news! Post wedding pics! Let us know where the wedding takes place, etc.


So happy for you. Congratulations!



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