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I am 100% against circumcision it's a form of religious child abuse no different to FGM. This needs further study, correlation is not causation but it needs to be properly examined and acted on!


Josephine 7 Aug 7

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36 comments (26 - 36)

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Personally I am glad I was circumcised. The sensitivity around the bottom of the head of my penis is where most of the excitement comes from. Not trying to be crude, just honest. Having never been uncircumcised. I do not know if they feel the same stimulation.


When I was pregnant with #3, I discussed circumcision with my ex/father of my children. His opinion was that because he was baby should be. It became a moot issues cuz #3 was another girl. I would not choose to do it for my own child. However, my first ex was not circumcised and not into good person hygiene. ICK.


I would agree with you if it didn't have physical benefits. Namely, appearance. I'm 100% Atheist, but I'm glad I'm circumcised.



I was circumcised for medical reasons as a small . In some cases it just has to be done.

At times it is medically neccesary. As in your case though a doctor and the parents should make an informed decision that has the childs health and well being. It should not be done as a matter of course when there is no medical need.


I don't know what it is about this that needs farther study. It's genital mutelation for no good reason. The procedure itself subjects it's victems to infection and psychological scaring. It's another control tactic that makes up what religions are primarily about.

@Josephine I did read both and put my comment to stand on its own.


The penis is designed the way it is to prevent infection in the urethra from feces. I'm not pro-choice, but the pro-life people say there is. But circumcision is usually done without anesthesia. Hmmmm.


When I was a teenager, I babysat a couple of little boys. They had problems going to the bathroom cuz they weren't circumcised, their mom never taught them to clean themselves properly, and they had gunk and infection under the skin. The little one cried when he peed. I swore if I ever had sons they would be clean and circumcised!!! Religion had nothing to do with it.

@Josephine of course it was bad parenting, however, there are more than religious reasons for doing what we do. And my sons are untraumatized healthy men now that also got their sons circumcised. And there is absolutely nothing wrong about it.

@Shawniedawn []

@PalacinkyPDX lmao and who the hell are you to say my kids were traumatized??? It is a personal choice, one they are happy I made, and repeated with their sons. So perhaps you should get off your judgemental high horse, you are starting to sound like a religious zealot.

I am always mystified and skeptical when I hear these stories. I have two rambunctious boys who are uncircumcised and just as dirty and gross as any other little boys. They simply have regular baths and showers, no special care needed.

Furthermore, how would the human race have survived millennia without circumcision if a body part that half the population has was constantly infected and causing massive health issues as proponents of circumcision claim?

@Shawniedawn Did they make that "personnel" choice? Or did someone other than themselves make the choice? I think the person most affected by it had no say in the matter whatsoever.

@Shawniedawn I'm not the one justifying cutting off my child's genitalia. I think you sound like the zealot.


I was circumcised at and early age , don’t know any different

Pilot Level 2 Aug 10, 2018

You knew it then though! It's painful for days after.


This topic always causes raging debates lol!
After reading a few comments stating that circumcision is good because of sanitary reasons I had these thoughts come up!

  1. modern surgical methods where antiseptics and sanitation rule are more recent inventions than circumcision. Before it was realized that germs in the air cause sepsis, surgery was likely to cause sepsis related death. Given this, how did the "doctors" decide that cutting a baby's foreskin (under dreadful unsanitary conditions) was better than just letting it be? Anyone with medical history knowledge?

  2. I do not have anatomical familiarity with female genitalia, so this might be a silly question ?
    What features of female genitals make it resistant to UTI, the supposed prevalence of which makes circumcision beneficial in male babies? Do female babies just take better care of themselves (sarcasm)?


There are hygienic reasons for circumcision, as well as desensitizational benefits that prolong sexual stimuli that have nothing to do with religion.
I'm curious, what's your stance on ear piercing an infant?


Could you please provide some reference to original research on the lack of hygiene in uncircumcised men compared to circumcised men? I keep seeing this claim made again and again!

@Spongebob it's usually in adolescent boys, like someone else posted, lack of educating them on how to properly clean themselves. But not everyone of course. Truth is, I'm uncircumcised so not pointing fingers, just stating reached information. I thought about getting a circumcision in my early teens to not be different but now I don't care.


Not defending circumcision, but it's one of those things that was adopted by religion, not created by religion. It has been an aspect of humanity long before organized religion and was done during a time when we didn't have great hygiene. Back then, it was a source of infection. Now if we would have stayed natural and never put on clothes and stayed wild, that hygiene wouldn't have been an issue. In the modern world, we have much better hygenic practices and there is really no point to it other than custom and appearance. If I ever have a son, I will most likely let him make the choice when he is older.

It's most common in sandy countries, so that gives a clue as to why it was done. Some dishonest philosophers who manufactured religions then set it in stone as a silly rule that must not be questioned.

@Josephine There are countless positive and negative practices that were normal yet no longer practiced. Comparing circumcision to slavery is ridiculous. I don't have a problem with people being against circumcision, just when they equate it to religion. You basically make the argument that it comes from religion, when it comes from human nature. All that does is strengthens the concept of things religion adopted (not created) only coming from religion.

It's pretty much no different than when a theist claims that morals come from religion and nowhere else. If atheists can blame religion for a practice that was done and most likely will be done outside of religion as well, then you're justifying the "morals only come from religion" mindset of theists.

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