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What do you miss from your childhood?
(Besides not paying bills)

I miss where I grew up, family and friends.

Sirena 7 Aug 16

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39 comments (26 - 39)

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I miss falling off my bike


I miss not having health problems, and sometimes I miss having friends.


My mom, The changing of the seasons, playing in the mud, summer vacation


Summer afternoons at the Lake.


Little league. ?

HahahA! They kicked me out of Lassie League softball when I reached the cut off age of 14 and I cried and cried and cried!


lots of things my bedroom, my pony, the house we lived in. having my parents alive. my siblings still getting along. being 9 years old nothing better than being 9 we living in the country where ther was always a lake or river to play in . I had a great childhood


Playing Stick Ball with a broom stick and a tennis ball.

My step-dad played stickball in the Bronx. Then in Miami he was in a team ?


I miss playing in the dirt with my tonka toys. I miss the innocence that I saw the world with.

PaulD Level 5 Aug 16, 2018

The innocence of the time - not caring that I was poor because I could imagine otherwise, the wind in my hair when I rode my bike without a helmet, disappearing for a large part of the day to go read books in peace, and not worrying about how many kinds of disturbed people there are in the world or how close they might live to me.


Riding my bicycle around, collecting my friends for a Nerf battle.


My best friend.


Life was more simple wa a child. Other than that, I miss little from my childhood, as my adult life has been so much richer and fulfilling.




Naivety. Not having to fear going on a twenty mile bike trip and sharing a cantaloupe with a friend from a farmer's stand. Simply less people in my youth; most likely the same percentage of dangerous and good, trustible people as today, just not as many to cross paths with.

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