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I think I am developing adult ADD/ADHD.

I have noticed recently that I absolutely cannot even force myself to read any posts on here that are longer than a paragraph.

I start reading them and after the first paragraph I find myself flipping to another tab and reading something else somewhere else or picking up my phone.

I can read a book non stop or a news article but for some odd reason posts just don't hold my interest after a paragraph.

Yeah, I know you all needed to know that and...

Probably stopped reading after the first sentence so....šŸ˜›

Crimson67 8 Aug 18

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I'm a sucker for redheads from kentucky so I will read anything you post - more than a sentence or not.


Uh oh, Iā€™m in trouble! I tend to type train of thought, and I think a lot! ? I will try to remember to keep my comments on your posts short from now on......Wait, did I lose you already? ?


I don't read long posts either, I'm sure they're really interesting (zzzzzzzz) but I'm getting old, I don't have time to wade thru someone pontificating lol


I agree, no long post work for me either. First I rely heavily on the first few sentences to see if I want to go further. This is where the art of writing comes into play

EMC2 Level 8 Aug 18, 2018

It seems like a lot of people have the similar tendency to not like longer posts. I even feel that way. Wonder if it is because of our insanely busy lives or are we getting a little lazy?


Yup, about the same


I try to give longer posts a shot for at least two sentences, but yes, if I'm not hooked by then, I'll move on or come back to it later.

I do the same, you gotta hook up quick


For me, the nature of the posting place conveys a certain expectation. I expect short topic or question posts in a forum, and turn to blogs for longer written pondering.

Zster Level 8 Aug 18, 2018

There is very little that cannot be conveyed in one or 2 paragraphs, IMO......"my eyes glaze over" (MEGO) is what you are experiencing, along with me.


I really think it's a sign of the times, we have become antedated with such a vast amount of knowledge flowing from every direction. We just sim for the high points and surf on!

did you mean inundated?


This of course is why headline writing has become an art form and staple of ā€œfake newsā€ as our dear leader likes to call it. I feel quite certain Trump never gets past the headline on most everything he is given to read. Making world changing decisions based on the headline of a detailed DOD report, or an environmental report has consequences that are generally not positive. I believe it is at the heart of our societal deterioration, ā€œsound biteā€ news is not how you learn what is real.

And headline writing is now farmed out. Not done by the actual news agency.

The results are often funny - but sometimes baffling.

Good idea saying all that in one paragraph lol


Actually I was just going to s


Same as any other entries on here. Some are a waste of time. Some are boring. Some are narcissistic. Some are fascinating. Some are educational. Some are big time funny. Some are good enough to copy and remember, or share !


I only read long posts related to interesting or intellectual topics that I know little about, not into life stories ?


Could be signs of mild depression lack of interest in things


Word. I quit reading this post halfway through the second paragraph


I've found I have a very difficult time at work reading and retaining new information. It's very frustrating.


I think it's a symptom of the age we live in. EULA agreements contribute to the tendency. Always so much legalism to read everybody scrolls down and looks for "I Agree". We're inadvertantly training ourselves to ignore stuff with too much text.


I find that I've "Follow"-ed a number of members to the point that I don't take enough time (often) to give a thoughtful comment on the post. A lot of times it's just a "upvote" or the comment, "Well said".


Sorry I couldn't finish reading wh

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