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Most recent photo on your phone or computer. No cheating. ?

BeccaVa 7 Aug 18

Enjoy being online again!

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This was taken Thursday 8/16. This is my grandson Austin, he is almost 4 months old.


At work early yesterday morning. LA Center Studios. Between stage five and six.


How boring am.I? A starter kit full of pots, pans, crockery and cutlery for my boy going off to university in setember. Well you asked!

Not boring! That's fabulous! Your baby is starting his adult life. Good job Momma!


Roadside shot near King’s Gap Environmental Education Center, Carlisle, PA.


It arrived on Monday!

I want one!




My Ella


@Akfishlady golden doodle in need of a grooming


First Day of Middle School

Hang on! Middle school was the worst. But I promise it gets better

I also didn’t care for junior high.


Fire pit last night.


Going to a gala next weekend an my shoes arrived yesterday.

@Renickulous Thanks. I am really happy with them.


Love the shoes! Where did you get them? If you don't mind sharing?

@GreatNani Amazon is my friend. '1920s T-strap' was the search I used.

@CeliaAnne Those are amazing! I love them.

@goldenvalleyguy it is part of his charm. (Thanks)


My friend wanted to know if I had babies in my garden yet.


Buzz Lightyear


Common sun skink grabbing centipede near my place, Songkhla, Thailand


Daughter sent coloring stuff so I send finished pic so she knows I appreciate it. This is from mythical and fantasy.


My summer salad the other night.


From Friday 17 Aug, when I went to the Indiana State building to speak about why Custodial Parents shouldn't be paying child support.


A screen shot of My main toon on World of Warcraft.
She's a blood elf shadow priest.
Yeah, I know I'm a nerd.


Yesterday at Sullivan’s island


Sunset a couple nights ago.

Dew25 Level 7 Aug 19, 2018



This is the last photo l took with my phone was for someone who wanted a picture of me with hair. That is me on the left, Poodie, Willie's late road manager, and Gary our lead guitarist at the time.

You are adorable Sticks, then & now.
A dear friend's Dad used to play with Willie, Jackie King. Both are gone now ...

@Qualia That is very sweet of you to say. lt is amazing the way that 6 degrees of separation thing works sometimes.

@Sticks48 Yes it is. I can't even see Willie's name mentioned without thinking of them.
And I rarely blow smoke, you're a doll.

@Qualia You make me blush. I went to your page, You are the doll! Even though there was no bio, given the the photos you posted, you seem to have a very good sense of humor. Would you mind if l followed you?

@Sticks48 Thank you☺️ Why on earth would I mind? Of course by all means! ❤
Good luck w/the notifications. I go in & out w/following due to that issue.
I wipe my bio now & then. I'll redo it eventually. 🙂

@Qualia What do you mean about the notifications?

@Sticks48 I only seem to get notifications at any given time on a couple of people, then will come across recent posts by happenstance and no notification, while one or two will be constant. 😟
I'll grant that it's a way to 'bookmark' but that's about it. I'm very torn on the issue as a result.
there are people on here I like a lot that I don't follow because they post a ton, or follow me.

I try to keep my thoughts on various glitches to myself unless in a mood & it's really bothering me. As I'm sure it's a daunting task sifting through the avalanche of issues people bring up.

@Sticks48 Also I've on no less than 2 occasions had my bio wiped. /special like that
And I'm the 40 open tabs girl.

@Qualia I don't know what the '40 open tabs girl' means. I'm a tech moron. If this doesn't work well, that is ok. This is my first experience communicating with people l don't know and l find the whole thing a bit awkward and l feel a little clumsy. Would it be ok to msg. you sometime and if not just say so.

@Sticks48 Of course you can msg me LOL
40 tabs open looks something like this on a laptop ? (my daughter makes fun of me over it, and late dh mistakenly used to think it slowed down our internet & would chastise me over it lol)

@Qualia l have never seen that before. I do this on my phone. I don't know if that makes a difference or not. I do know l don't get notifications for eveything. I don't understand why that is so, and how that is determined or if it is random. Thanks for the ok to msg. ☺

@Sticks48 idk how people stand to look at forums on their phones. LOL
But then I recently crossed to the dark side & got a "smart" phone... I know it looks waaay different on my phone so I rarely peruse forums on it. I just log in to this thing & leave stuff open.

@Qualia I don't have a computer. My brother said l could hook my phone to a laptop or tablet and have a bigger screen. It does screw with my vision if l do it to long. I used a 15 dollar flip phone up until a couple of years ago. I barely have 20th century skills. I take sticks and go boom. Hell, cavemen did that.

@Sticks48 laptop a lot easier on eyes, and neck.

@Qualia Good idea. Thanks.


Ok... you asked for it.

Zster Level 8 Aug 19, 2018

FWIW, he was NOT doing that when I started to press the button.

@Zster ?. That’s what he thinks of having his picture taken

Well, I know who I'm going to try to emulate for the next month.


Recent Sourdough loaf I baked....


I just got back from Italy, so my last pic is from Venice

GwenC Level 7 Aug 19, 2018

I baked a loaf of rum banana bread last night. It turned out well!

Ohub Level 7 Aug 19, 2018

there was, it seems, a meeting of some sort on the roof of my BnB. They did not reserve in advance and they left without checking in.


Hanging out with one of my kitties last night.

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