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Alternative Cuss Words

sassygirl3869 9 Aug 24

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Thank you for this!


My recent choice has been Jeebus, or sometimes Jeeeeeeeeeeeeebus!


Con sarnit. Need to add that one to my rota.
Drives our son nuts when I swear in other languages, too.


I like Kiss my grits! what are grits? you havent got holey- moley


@OuzelWoman thanks!

@jacpod No problem, and if you get a chance, you should try grits. That way, you could in fact "Kiss my grits".


Dos zenen faking drek. Azoy tsufridn tsu vern geboyrn in a mshpkhh fun Eydish redner vos gelernt mir vi tsu take leykenen vi a kant!

Jnei Level 8 Aug 24, 2018

If you say so.

@Byrdsfan Zeyer asakh. Eydish iz bazirt aoyf Hoykh Daytsh - אָבער קוקט בעסער מיט העברעיש אותיות!

@MrLizard Most phrases in Yiddish are curses - and those that aren't sound like they are! (And yes, it is indeed Yiddish 🙂 )

don't know if this is the right spelling but when i was in Germany the worst was drekkitsch arshelock


none of them quite come up to WTF

Very true.


I'll stick with standard cuss words.

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