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I've been with my current partner for nearly 6 years.
It's been mostly wonderful.
Lately, it's been bad.

His communication skills have disappeared along with his ability to listen.
He just does whatever he pleases.

I've attempted to discuss all of this with him to no avail.

It's been a few bad months.

How long would you try to salvage a relationship before you officially called it quits?

Donotbelieve 9 Aug 27

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I can't offer any great advice. I hope things start to work out better for you!


Not much longer. If 3 month and open discussion hasn't helped, it might be time to ask him if he's trying to drive you away.


That sounds like a drastic personality shift. Make him see a doctor, maybe?


I would be willing to call it quits. I would guess his actions indicate that he has found someone else and not willing to tell you.

@Donotbelieve In his head?

@Donotbelieve It must be somewhere. Drugs?

I don't do salvage work for well. 😉


That's difficult to say. Being In Love with someone and Loving them are two very different things. So I just hope things get better for YOU, either way.


Sounds like it's time to call it quits.


If you are miserable, and have made many attempts to discuss it, maybe he has no desire to work on your relationship. That may be the time to reevaluate what you want out of your relationship. You could try couples counciling, if he is willing to go, but, eventually, if nothing improves, you will have to decide if this is how you want to live. No one can tell you what to do. Only you can make that decision.


Does the timing coincide with anything, like this site, for instance?


That’s not an easy question to answer. Have you tried to tell him how fed up you are and that he’s getting close to losing you? Maybe he’s freaked out about the baby and doesn’t know how to communicate that to you or maybe even to himself. Maybe he’ll snap out of it once the baby arrives.

There's a baby involved? Man I was the worst husband ever when we were expecting. I was freaking out inside about my ability to be a good dad, if we're have the time and money. In my attempt to be supportive I pushed all these fears way inside and as a result made all of us miserable. I don't have an answer for you, just some perspective.


Unfortunately, I think you should make a clean break. When things are done, they're done..


Im probably more inclined to try and try and try, maybe for even too long so Im not sure if my advice is best. Im not super great at communication. Its extremely difficult for me to share feelings esp. I do best when I have some warning so I can prepare myself and think things through.

Have you tried that? Maybe at a time when things are relatively calm sort of schedule a time to talk? Let him know you value his input and you are really feeling out of the loop so you would like to take time out to discuss what’s going on and where you are headed and then set a specific time.


I would ask him directly if he wishes to recover the previous quality of the relationship. If he answers yes, ask for a joint commitment to go into counseling to get help. If the answer to either question is "no", then it is time to start taking action to dissolve the relationship.


I didn't know about the pregnancy, with that information I would change my answer. Don't give up just yet, consider other ways to communicate. Ask him if he would write down what's bothering him if he won't talk about it. Request he attend couple's counseling with you. Maybe give him a few more months to adjust to the changes before giving up on him.

@Donotbelieve I am definitely not suggesting staying longterm in an unhappy relationship, just maybe giving him a little more time to adjust.


Having dealt with the end of my own, almost six-year ordeal, I can say that the probable last stop would be to suggest therapy.

I'm not the best person to really say, and don't know what compelled me to even start typing. I guess the familiarity of it. I would have dragged it out even longer because it was all I had known of a family for the past 5+ years, but it wouldn't have done my daughter any favors.

I think maybe that's the gauge: Does it help to carry it on for all involved, or does it hurt?


Depends on how long you've been together. Six years is a pretty strong investment. OTOH, if you had just met him last week, then CYA. Certainly no one suddenly loses "communication skills" or ability to listen. Somthing has caused a road block that has brought out this characteristic in him that's always been there, but was not relevant to yr relationship. If you hope to save yr relationship, you need to figure out what that is, and more importantly, need to make him understand it.

godef Level 7 Aug 27, 2018

When you're sure they're not going to change and/or you don't have the energy to keep trying. Sorry... I know exactly what you're talking about. Peace.


We are the only animals on earth who think of time invested as an actual investment, not to be abandoned because of what we have put into it. Forget about the six years. Think about now. If it's bad, it's bad. Think about what you want and what you're willing to put up with. There's a buy in in every relationship. Is this relationship worth the current cost to you?

Sunk cost fallacy... great point.


He is not interested in his relationship with you . Sounds like , he's found someone who he thinks makes him feel better about himself . He has no intention of making you feel good about your relationship with him . Prepare to stand on your own two feet .


What you're describing sounds like a loss of interest in putting effort into the relationship. That could reflect anything from an actual loss of interest in you, to depression, physical issues, mid life crisis, etc.

There's nothing in your post about being pregnant but a couple of people have mentioned that. If that's the case, it's particularly concerning that this is developing at a time when a couple should be drawn together in anticipating making a stable home for the child. Maybe he's freaked out for some reason about being a father and this is his way of avoiding "dealing" with it. But until he opens up about it you can only guess. If pregnancy is in the mix then my money would be on some kind of approach avoidance going on around that ... but ethically, he has to work it out. If you have to issue ultimatums to make that happen, then so be it.

Sorry you are going through this. 😟


How to discuss the problem of communication with someone that doesn’t listen. I don’t know. That’s quite a riddle. Good luck. I hope you the best.


I'm sorry you are going through this. Communication is so important, seems like there must be an underlying problem. Others mentioned a medical issue maybe?

@Donotbelieve Maybe just ask him what's on his mind if everything is OK.


I'm sorry you're going through this. I don't have any words of wisdom other than being pregnant is stressful enough without have to be tweaked this way.
You should be able to relax & do the "nesting" thing, celebrate your condition and be getting as much rest as you can. This should be made to be a happy time you both can look back on.
(((( hugs )))
I hope he "wakes up" for you.


You cannot make someone listen if they don't want to. Time to move on.


I tried for ten years and it was all lost time that I can never get back.


I would say to him that you feel he is no longer invested in the relationship and ask him if he wants to call it a day. No preamble where he can avoid the conversation, just come out with it.

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