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What is favorite self care activity?

1 hour nap yesterday, 12 hour night shift last night and only able to sleep 4 hours today. In need of some shift work self care …

BeccaVa 7 Sep 3

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I love naps, long hot bubble baths, hard uphill hikes and a craft beer now and then. While reading a wonderful book.

Sounds great!

@BeccaVa For me, self care is doing what I love first. 🙂


In order:

Nice and simple, well played sir. ??


I teach first graders. Sometimes self care can't wait. Stop everything, sit still, relaxed, deep calm breaths. That has to do.


It's not easy to try and fool your internal clock. In my experience, you have to commit to the schedule and not try to switch back and forth until your diurnal rhythms adjust, kind of like getting over jet lag.


Sleep is elusive for me way too often. After Friday I will be unemployed and plan to catch up on my sleep. I will also go back to taking Yoga classes. I plan to knock down stuff on my to do list, and READ. If I don't take care of me, who will?


read a book

Marz Level 7 Sep 3, 2018

Napping is the best way to re-invigorate the body.


Nap, walk, bike ride


Early evening stroll (not a power walk; leisurely meander soaking in sunsets) and a low-level red light therapy facial. I'm a bit prissy...


My favorite self care activity is a 60 minute massage with hot stones and facial. However it's expensive so I rarely get to.


I really enjoy app games like Luminosity and other Brain games. Plus I'm an avid reader. But if really want to treat myself, music, a little privacy and some loud terrible singing, for sure!



I do 12hr shifts, i know your pain. When my mind races, preventing sleep, i play my Uke ?



Tell myself that I am awesome.


Take a long bubble bath with a glass of wine. It's soo relaxing


Early morning walk.


Removing negativity from my life has always been my best self care tactic


Also 12h night worker. There's not much i can do to makeup for the terrible shift. On top of that I've got school on my days off. The best thing i can do is have a beer and nap.

TimD Level 3 Sep 3, 2018

Naps for rest when I can get them, walks for relaxation when my body isn't rebelling against me, Netflix for entertainment when I'm in the mood, volunteerism to focus outside myself.


Dark chocolate. Easier to get than weed. Less expensive, too.

Okay now your response makes my response harder cuz I was going to say weed and video games LOL


Milk Chocolate bar, milk and some netflicks!


I thought alcohol was going to keep me young forever.....oh well, I was wrong

@Akfishlady it's a joke ???


snuggling with my pets other than the chickens


Definitely taking a nap when possible. Amazingly refreshing.


I'm biased, but massage is very helpful!


Hello BeccaVa, I do a rolling roster day and night shift, 12 hour shifts & have done for years. Firstly it never gets easier, you are constantly chasing sleep. A few tips, don't drink too much alcohol it ruins your sleep. Try not to obsess over how much sleep you're getting, stay relaxed. If you have your 4 hours and wake up, have a light meal & aim for another lay down before you head off to work. I find another hour or even 45 minutes in the afternoon makes a huge difference. Look after yourself when your rotation ends and get a good catch up sleep in on your time off. Don't stress you will be fine, your body does adjust to the odd hours and you will sleep when you really need it. Good luck.

smogg Level 3 Sep 3, 2018
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