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I would never debate someone on their religious beliefs (unless they ask to have that debate) but I always try to tell people that I'm an atheist when religion comes up. I just think it's important that people in our communities know we exist and that we're pretty awesome human beings. Thoughts? Also I'm new so hello = )

klang72 5 Sep 6

Enjoy being online again!

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I actually do the same now that I think about it. If someone is religious and wants to discuss I'll tell them I'm an atheist and I won't debate someone unless they want too. Once I figure out how to be "pretty awesome" I'll contribute there as well. Also, hello!


Hello and welcome! I agree totally. I remember reading a list just a couple of years ago of the top 10 scary qualities of bad people...atheism was #1. I have been ostracized by some seriously evengelical family members. They also support Trump and there's that. Morals and good character don't require religion and it's important we show ourselves.


I avoid religious topics here, this area is more conservative that I would prefer. I also avoid labeling myself, other than non-religious.
I do have some close friends that I enjoy debating with..

Hello and welcome neighbor ?


Hello my name is fredo. I was baptized a catholic but never believed. I was somehow gifted with a natural questioning logical mind when i was young. I do the same when it comes to defending my choice of being atheist. They say its ok god still loves you. I learned people who believe in god are easily offended. So i keep my voice on the matter quite. I was recently thinking of writing memo on how being an atheist is a double standard, compared to people who believe in god.


That's a good attitude/perspective. Welcome to the asylum. 🙂


I will never debate anyone on religion. If asked I will give them my reasons why I am an A-theist then tell them I have no interest in hearing anything they have to say on the subject. I sometimes ask if there is any chance that I could change their mind and if they say no (they always say no) then I say what's the point of discussing it.


I agree, I'm always upfront with others, even my clients. It's led to interesting discussions. Although one client did stop the massage halfway through and just want to talk to me about faith. It was very strange, but by the end she understood why I didn't believe, the events in my life that led me there.


I'd like to discuss religion with people more often. But I'm pretty careful not to dive into it in most environments.


Welcome to the asylum. Enjoy your stay.


I don't debate folks unless they try to proselytize me. Then the gloves come off.
Welcome to the group.

gearl Level 8 Sep 6, 2018

Hello there! I am the same way. It's my way of destigmatizing my fellow freethinkers.


I just commented on another post about this very thing.
Essentially, I feel and act the same way you do.

Oh, and Welcome.


Hi & welcome to the site!
There is no payout for debating religion. I'm not going to change them; they're not going to change me. If the other person insists on dragging out the discussion, I'm likely to fall back on "that's nice" and "good for you" responses.


I am open about it. But do not debate. You can not have meaningful conversation when you are starting from two different places.


Welcome klang72!

I we debate in a forum. If asked if I'm religious, I will say I'm an Atheist.


Welcome. I don't debate religion either, unless they want to. I don't really focus on people's religious affiliations.


Welcome, I'm new around here too. I'm not a fan of starting a debate, I use to back in High school, but i always ended up coming off as a bit of an ass. now a days I mostly only do it when overly religious family members try to convert me or tell me I'm "possessed". And even then it ends up being more of a opposed conversation then a debate.


I don’t often debate about religion, and when asked I’m more likely to say I’m Buddhist than I’m atheist. It’s just a question of what do you feel is more important to get across.


Read the book "street epistemology" the quick witted argument will be easy. But answers are not. Watch "robot dance" on YouTube. She has developed a great method to deal with the arguments. Good luck and practice


There is one issue which I like to point out why not be grateful to the life you had

bengt Level 2 Sep 7, 2018

hello back, and i'm with you with the caveat that i am not always averse to bringing it up. i don't feel compelled to do so but there are times i feel it's appropriate. i'm not shy about saying what i do and do not believe, and, if asked, why.



I think religion is pushed on people from so many angles it's important to debate beliefs with those who believe. In society we debate everything except god. Thats the subject that even questioning it is seen as religious hatred.

Echo7 Level 3 Oct 13, 2018
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