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I am 48. I give myself a 5% chance to fall in love again and that's probably a very optimistic number. I think the older you are the more picky you get so the chance of falling on love diminish every day. What do you guys think?

EggMcMuffin 5 Sep 13

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surry to be you. I plan to fall in love several times and older than you


i was 48 when i met the man with whom i fell in love. he was just shy of 52. i'm 66 and a half now and we're still together. as for being pickier, isn't that a GOOD thing? that's how you find the right one!



Oh, silly, I turned 70 in July, am now in the Most Wonderful relationship of my entire life!


Agreed. But it happened with me after 6 years. The problem was a significant age difference so it didn't work out, and I wish I never felt that again.

when I stop falling in love I will be dead because you fall in love does noy mean you will be together does not even mean she even knows


Never say never!! Never give up. If you don't find will find you no matter what age.


The way I see it, it doesn't diminish and I believe it's possible to fall in love again. The problem lands likely on the fact we are not young and good looking anymore. That's the part keeps getting worst by the day.


I think that's all in your head.


Never say never. I'm 46 and fell head over heels in love with a guy I met on this website. I was also extremely picky and doubtful I would meet anyone up to my standards again. So good luck, remain hopeful... it can happen.

She is right on that one... Love you to my dear <3 <3 <3

Wait you said you were 36.... Just kidding! 🙂


I used to be much older. You are only young once but immaturity can last a lifetime. I fall in love at least once or twice a week. In the sixties one slogan was "this is the first day of the rest of your life". Now I'm closing in on seventy and my slogan is "this is the first day of what's left of your life". Love is not a winning hand. Love is a mediocre hand played well. Watch things happen, make things happen, or stand around asking what happened? There's a great children's book called "The Velveteen Rabbit ". Find the passage in there where the rabbit asks the hair horse what it means to be real. That will give you a clue.


Try being Vegan, Atheist, and Anti-Natalist. LOL


I shook my Magic 8-Ball, you're right
I never could get a clear picture of future events.


I thought I was done with all that too. At 57 I went on a hook-up site. Through with love but not yet dead and I had needs.
Then I met her, it was electric! Never before had I felt that instant lighting bolt of connectivity. She felt it too and although it was stormy and tempestuous. It has to rank as the greatest love affair of my life. Yes she left me for her ex. Yes he had more money. Yes I was an asshole but so was she. Yes it hurts like a bitch every day and yes I would do it again in a New-York minute.
You are a long time dead sunshine. Never say never.


I'm 54, it seems I have become more complacent and acceptant that I probably will be alone until the end. I am of the attitude of 'if it happens, it happens'. Meanwhile I try to keep my surroundings in my favor and my dogs and cats as buddies. I haven't shut myself down but I'm not actively seeking either.
Also, I have found out all the crap I suffered through earlier wasn't my fault. The social interaction with my family and a couple others ruined my first 53 years. So now I have a new life, I'm exploring it and having fun with it. Perhaps it's a sort of mid-life crisis happening later, whatever it is I feel new and unencumbered. I feel hopeful again.


Well I haven't been too hopeful. I believe that the intensity of my marriage would never be felt again, but, I am now casually dating a lady with whom I think that old flame could revive. Taking it slow but the energy and attention is starting to flow, so, just maybe.


"A little in love with everything" -Al McDougal


I'm 31. Aside from the usual hypergamous female behavior, i.e. being left for some random guy with more money, I haven't experienced anything horrendous in my relationships. I don't even blame women anymore, because I know hypergamy has an evolutionary root. I have devoted my life to become a better version of myself, and I'm never going to get married or have children. I'm much happier having non-exclusive relationships with women than sharing my life and resources with a potential hypergamous "lady" who'll leave me the second she sees a better opportunity. I have never been happier or gotten more action.

Indeed, but that's what it is! It's an evolutionary mechanism of seeking men who can provide the necessary resources for the family's survival. I think we have to stop bitching about the sluttish behavior of some women and increase our sexual marketplace value by going to the gym, improving our financial status, and giving less shit about women's happiness. Nothing will change until men learn to genuinely give priority to their own happiness instead of chasing or "rescuing" women. Nothing is more unattractive to a woman than neediness and clinginess. You won't believe how many women would line up to hump your brains out if you place the priority on yourself.


47 here are I couldn’t put a percentage on it. If feels like the odds are low but it only takes one person out of the blue to change everything.


I think it can go either way. I was brought up to marry within my religion and I had a list of things I expected in a spouse. They were all the wrongs things to determine whether they were a good spouse or not, though. I now have a different set of indicators on whether a relationship will work or not and I feel certain they are far more solid than the list I had before. I could have a relationship with a much wider range of people than before. That said, with my higher age, opportunities are more slim. Many people are already married or hurting from previous bad relationships. That is the reason I feel like I have fewer opportunities at a healthy relationship now than I did before.

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