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I am agnostic and I am dating a mormon. Is this a recipe for disaster?

BSquared 6 Sep 18

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It is strictly up to you both! Can you live & let live? Life together is So much more about going to church, or not....


You’re joking, right?


How adept are you at coginitive dissonance?


Yup. Disaster waiting to happen. I was raised a Moron (oops, Mormon), and we were taught only to date & marry other Morons (oops, Mormons).

Now, if she's not a staunch Moron (oops, Mormon), you might have a chance. But if she is very active in the church, she will probably turn on you some day. She might be dating you with the idea that you would convert to her religion. You could PRETEND to convert, but that would be utterly miserable for you. And if you fail to convert, it would be miserable for her. So unless she's a Mormon in name only, the relationship will likely fail.

Even if she is a less active Mormon now, there is a chance that she will become more involved in the future, which would put a strain on your relationship.

I would suggest the two of you attempt to resolve the religion issue before getting too involved with one another.


well you never know it may work out



I first read that as
"I'm agnostic and dating a moron"....

which, come to think of it, may be exactly what you are experiencing....


No. First, as with any good crazy sauce or wavy batch of gravy, you have to start by making a roux. Melt 3 tablespoons of butter in a large pan, add a similar amount of flour and wisk smooth until the mixture browns and thickens. Then add scraps from whatever protein you fried up, along with a few cups of broth or milk and simmer until the whole thing thickens. Then pour this delicious gravy over your biscuits or potatoes, and try to casually enjoy this meal with a mentally ill person who thinks they know a way to help you get your own planet when you die. Now its a recipe for disaster.


A practicing Mormon? Might be a challenge to get that magic underwear off of her/him/it


I'm sorry to say this, but I don't see this turning out well at all for you.

Hordo Level 6 Sep 19, 2018

Mormons are not famous for their relaxed approach to religious differences...


Too many variables to make a clear evaluation of your situation.

I do have a friend who was a Mormon. When he figured out his religion was BS that did a LOT of really bad things to people's minds, his wife, in accordance to her Mormon religion, had to divorce him as he was now "LOST" to the church and will not be ruling his own planet after he dies. His failure as a Mormon (success in becoming an atheist) (according to the teachings of the church) made his wife an immoral failure as it was her god given responsibility to ensure her husband would remain a Mormon so he could have his world where he would rule over her etc. . . . talk about a mind-fuck religion. . . . This friend was also a part of a recovering Mormon underground that provides help for those trying to escape the church. . . to many stories to tell but NOT GOOD is an understatement.


Depends. Will she agree to multiple wives? You could start your own tribe....

That only works with Fundamentalist Mormons, though, and they don’t date outside of their cult, nor do they choose their own husband. They’re basically handed off to their pedophile as a preteen.


Having been raised Mormon myself, I'd say probably... if the belief is actually strong. If there are doubts, it might work, but other Mormons will put on pressure to drop you. Mormons are very much discouraged from dating outside of their own religion.


Yes. Yes, it is.


No not at all. As as you can accept their choice for a world view and they accept yours, each without trying t change the other. Then just enjoy and reinforce what you have in common. Peace


Another case of "If you have to ask...."


Need pics


I usually don't fare well with morons. What?

godef Level 7 Sep 19, 2018

More tha likely most mormons are pretty dense in the head and are blind followers to their beliefs not to mention a little looney. Also depends if they're mormons or ladder day saints

No.ladder day saits are mormons yes but they broke from the original ones because they did nit follow the same beliefs especially when it comes to marriage. Mormons can have more than one wife and get married at as soon as a girl becomes a "woman", this in not thae case with tha ladder day saints. Most of the original mormons bought large amount if land in Mexico and reside there



Get to da chopper naow!!!!


Just waking up I read this as moron.
Low hanging fruit there cut me some slack. /slinks off


If she is a True Blue Mormon, most definitely. Better ask her before you get exiled from the planet Kolob and banished to Outer Darkness.


Does she wear a granny gown to bed? If so, then run for the hills...


Mormons have some sick sexual needs.

Well damn now that you make that kinda case for it... Dont threaten a heathen with a good time ?


Signs point to yes


You have my sincerest sympathies there, sadly here in Australia most of us see Mormons, aka Morons, as being akin to those ever present ( during the warmer months) Blowflies, i.e. they hang around uninvited are bloody near impossible to get rid of.
Of the innumerable " Crazinesses created by America ( I could list volumes of them btw) it would be a Toss Up which would top the list between Trump and the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints.
Please try your hardest to resist the temptation to become yet another Manic Mormon.

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