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What does everyone think about sexbots? Texas is opening it's first"brothel" if these bots have Artificial Intelligence is it cheating or are they just toys?Will they interfere with relationships or are they just advanced vibrators....

Gar10 4 Sep 22

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52 comments (26 - 50)

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I’d sooner legalize actual prostitution than implement sex robots


Finally a place for Ted Cruz to go


Weird place for weirdos.......who probably need it!


Wow! I'd be afraid it might short circuit and fry my penis!


I'll stick with Rosey and the Palmer twins , lol


The current technology skeeves me out, bad. However, something like Jude Law's character in AI would be an entirely different story.


If there are malfunctions it could be a very painful learning curve.


It wld just be another unfullfilling relationship with a larger toy. We look for and want meaningful human contact. I cld never be attracted enough to a sexbot. Its a shame that we have become so unconnected with each other. Sex is more than pleasure, its personal. Who am I to judge though, to each their own!! Cheers!!


Let Dyson design them. They could clean and satisfy.


My definition of cheating is anything you wouldn't do if your significant other was there.


I have no interest.


It's the loneliest form of masturbation I can imagine.


not for me


R.U.R. a 1920 science fiction play by the Czech writer Karel Čapek。 Karel coined the term robot.


I'm not trying to be a dick here - in spite of my potential success at such a feat. That said, I think people's personal relationships are generally so fucked and disconnected with reality that the nature of this question highlights it.

Most people want more than one sexual partner during their lives. It's a fact. If we could all examine our emotions, we would see that the biggest reason for not being ok with that has to do with our feelings of inadequacy. The fact is that a person enjoys themselves per their own openness to the experience and their ability to communicate with their partner. I'm only responsible for those things communicated to me. Of course, some people are more capable or listen better... still, there's always a person with a better ability. Communication is paramount to being good sexually.

If people could relax and not try to own each other (a function of fear), then people would be able to have stable relationships and get their needs and most of their wants met. If that's happening, then the vast majority of people wouldn't want a prostitute or a sex robot. People would have quality relationships and not use each other like soda machines or ATMs.

The sex robot then would mostly be of use to people that have communicable diseases, social disorders, or something a bit more radical like that. While it isn't a trivial number, it isn't a majority. Some may have a fetish, but then they can just explore that at their own leisure.

Very eloquently stated ... however, you omit a minor detail. Many people do not have partners or have partners out of reach. On behalf of ruthless capitalist interests governments around the world always colluded to make societies more mobile and felxible. China hordes of migrant workers is probably larger than the entire population of the USofA.
The industrial mercenaries also want to satify their sexual and social needs.
Just recently I bumped into a young man, who is no longer really all that young but very eager to please his parents. There are several reasons why he finds it hard to find a human partner. In a conversation he told me that he is waiting for the release of robot, which is a miniturised Einstein replica, He wants to purchase one of those for company. I admit it saddened me.


If it feels good do it......


I am not much into toys since the early 60's. Why return to them now?


just ewwweeeee but i do want to see the ad for the doll cleaner required the wordings gonna be hilarious


Seems rather like the folks who have the life size fuck-dolls made for them (ala Nat. Geo's 'Bizarre' series or the move "Lars and the Real Girl." ) How is that different from masturbation? Wouldn't hiring a real sex worker be better? I can't imagine a sex-bot would provide the sort of emotional and verbal feedback from sex with a real human. AIs might do that in the future, but I doubt they can yet. And while sexbots have been a function of science fiction for decades, I cannot imagine anyone other than misogynistic male engineer-types who'd want to indulge. And I've known that kind of male engineer for since my undergrad days 40 years ago. Some have been tied to sexual harassment cases. Check Google about a donor--a former engineering prof-- to the drama program at the University of Oklahoma, my alma mater, for an example of that type. The fellow harass female dram majors and funded and produced (with funds from a state program) a "steampunk" short film "Pax Masculina," sold to the actors as one thing, but which in post production became a nasty anti-women flick with a "hanging" (as in executions) fetish and lots of nooses.) Perhaps robo-sex might actually end sexual harassment and predation by such misogynists, but I sort of doubt it. It's also sad that even sex is facing automation that will replace human workers.


If technology can advance to true AI and physiology that is outwardly indistinguishable from biological humans, it raises some questions about free will and consciousness — both in our creations and within ourselves. Not that these are new questions, of course, but rather that these become more present to us. The ability to learn and adapt are there, but still within the parameters of circuitry and programming. And how would we know if or when the appearance of consciousness became actual consciousness, as we can't see consciousness but rather only the outward behaviour that seems indicative of such. Likewise, I don't see how we're more free than such a robot, bound by our own biochemistry as well as our circumstances. And how can I tell that anyone else is truly conscious and that such outward behaviour is nothing more than a complex evolution that allows humans to better communicate and survive as a species? In truth, I think our ignorance of consciousness is what makes us feel like it's so special. I don't think it's metaphysical, but at the same time I don't think it really is anything more than a complex feedback loop that developed as a means of communication and processing — and that any sufficiently complex organism or AI will necessarily have a similar mechanism, at least once it reaches a level of social integration. I think that necessitates awareness such as we experience. But, of course, I can't prove it — though we keep trying to discover consciousness and, without appealing to dualism, I see no reason to think consciousness is this special thing just because our subjective experience of the mind feels like consciousness is genuinely separate. So much that goes on in the brain is beyond our internal understanding without outside measurement, so what makes us so certain that consciousness is something we can figure out through subjective experience? Something is going on of course, but I think we tend to place a premium on it without having good reason to do so. It's understandable, of course, just as it was understandable when we held to a geocentric model, but subjectivity may well be an inscrutable problem when it comes to consciousness — at least until a lot more is known about the brain and its effect on the subjective experience of consciousness, if such knowledge is even possible. I don't think robots are currently at this level of social interaction, though, and may be a very long way off, so we're left with clunky chassis and clunkier behavior that's not yet AI and doesn't give even the impression of consciousness, so I don't think most people will feel attracted to sex robots. There will be some exceptions, of course, but I think most of us need that impression that there's genuine interest and pleasure on the other side, that there's a connection, and without that it becomes quite an ordeal and expense to go to a sex-bot brothel or purchase a sex-bot when the effect is little more than the combination of a pocket pussy or dildo and sexual imagery online or an active imagination. So, that's my rather short ? answer to say that I don't see much value to sex robots at this time.


Machine or Organic, all must be connected to or if machine, on the Earth. Humans can not possibly remain for long. Biology 101 teaches us that any healthy host when attacked will respond by destroying that which harms it. Humans have attacked her surface, her waters, her airways. She will protect the innocent inhabitants with herself ,and end the humans, soon! Best we can do is make peace with her asap!


This idea will be interesting. I've seen things to build on the Internet but they look like constructions of a first grader.


This is great. Sales result in improvements.

Sex workers should be licensed and available everywhere. And having to meet standards applicable to their activities.

It is important for AI to be around REALS to learn. Sex is a good way to learn.




I thought the Bruce Willis movie might be the movie Surrogates (another POS Willis decided to be in) where humans have an idealistic “robot” double that lives there lives for them while the human sits at home and controls/lives through the robot. If you haven’t seen this movie I highly recommend skipping.

I remember seeing Westworld as a kid and it disturbed me for a bit.

I had high hopes for Vice, but it was too formulaic for me and didn't dive deep enough. It felt like it could have been any fugitive flick, and that the setting just happened to include robots. Even the acting left me cold.


What does everyone think about masturbation?

Oh, and if they have AI, jesus, the sex part is the least interesting part. I mean, artificial intelligence and we are talking about having sex with it? If so, the AIs should just exterminate us all.

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