Bingo-pig, goat, free space, tuna, elk
I’m not a hunter, but friends have fed me elk. I’ve eaten goat in both Italy and Saudi Arabia.
Goat is pretty good in Middle-Eastern dishes. Mexican/Central American not so much.
Spices used i would guess.
Someone with skills should make one for fruits and veggies like Dandelion Greens and ghost pepper and durian.
I've had dandelion greens. Kinda tasty. ?
Thank goodness, no. Don't eat any of 'em - they're my friends.
a voice of intelligence, compassion, and reason struggles to be heard against all the hate and apathy on this thread.... thank you
@SkotlandSkye You needn't thank me, as I know we're in the same struggle to attempt to bring reason in the midst of mindless, destructive consumption ...
hug to you !
I can get 3 bingos at least. I make a point of eating weird things I've never tried. I love to try new animals. Buffalo is one of my favorite "non standard" meats. Frog too.
I sure hope not.
another voice of compassion and love.... <3
Got several bingos. Haven't had frog, snake, or goat.
Hey, why not stick dogs, cats, monkeys, and horses on there too so people can brag about eating their dead bodies?
I mean, there is no "moral order" of animals...if you are going to murder one, you may as well murder them all....
I'd eat dog, cat, and horse if it were offered to me.
Monkey too.
There was a time in the past when animals were not recognized as having emotions, there will come a time in the future when plants, fruits, and vegetables will be recognized.
Something has to die for us to survive.
I respect your choice even if you do not respect mine. I would like you to think about the future and the possibility that your choice may be vilified in the same way meat eaters are vilified now.
@Betty isn't it ironic that the people screaming "respect my choice" are the ones who are TAKING the lives of sentient beings? Where are their rights? Why don't you respect their choice to live? Who the fuck made you "god" in charge of if they live or die?? Hypocrite.
You do you and I'll do me.
I've eaten all that.
I don't even see most of that as all that challenging.
@Sheannutt Throw some monkey or seal or bear or balut on the board randomly to challenge me.
If something a little unusual is available I will probably try it.
Not that I will finish it or like it.
But I will damn well try it.
And as a kid I am told I was such a picky eater I once survived 18 months on cottage cheese, applesauce and Cheetos.
I can't imagine that now. lol.
On edit -
Only thing on there I really disliked was crawfish. It was the brain sucking part. I could not swallow that nastiness.
@Sheannutt Full board I guess would be 12.
Think I've had all but boar, lamb, duck and free space. I know I cooked some frog legs, to see them jump, I can't remember if I ate any.
@LetzGetReal Just being silly.
@LetzGetReal I'm emoji challenged.
I believe I've eaten everything on the chart and at least three that aren't listed. Spent a couple years in SE Asia.
I haven't had buffalo.. the rest I have had
buffalo is damn good if you get the chance
@lerlo So are humans, dogs, cats, and really should murder them all and eat them too.
@SkotlandSkye you've tasted humans have you? For your information they are giving out permits in Alaska to cull the herd of buffalo maybe you should go there
@lerlo Just because something is legal doesn't make it moral or ethical. Are you that dumb? Also, if I wanted to eat murdered flesh, there are plenty of asshats that murder BISON in the lower 48. You really should research your information better. I actually live within 100 miles of the one of the largest wild BISON populations and I'm surrounded by people who murder these living beings regularly.
@SkotlandSkye Hmmm for someone who says they've eaten humans I'm not sure you can talk. But you eat plants that are living, what gives you the right? "Your" moral code. Key word "your" which you shouldn't push on anyone else. If you own any leather shoes you should look up the word hypocrisy. As for the name calling I suggest you maybe avoid posts you don't like as you would any person you wouldn't eat.
Bison is excellent. Healthy too.
@lerlo I am open to try it... just not a lot of buffalo in Australia lol. I need to do a trip to the States
@lerlo don't be silly... not sure where you got the human thing from lol Actually after another look I haven't had Elk either so 8 guess that is a trip to Canada now
@Angelamelek sorry apparentry SkotlandSkye deleted their post...wasnt meant for you--they said humans tasted good too in a don't eat animals rant
Nothing great about killing and eating animals.
Except if people do as the Asians do and eat food made from sustainable insect and grub powder.
Or raise their own sustainable meat, avoiding all cruel, environment-destroying factory farm meat.
Yup. Snake and boar are the only two I have not had.
I had fire pit boar at a picnic party once.
Snake basically has no taste at all.
@BufftonBeotch I could see boar being tasty if untainted. I did assume this meant wild boar. I have no preconceptions of what snake would be like. Good to know.
@DoctoralZombie That was coastal SC so yeah.
Wild turkey also has a flavor quite different from what Butterball Farms has taught you turkey should taste like.
@BufftonBeotch Water smoked wild turkey is one of my favorite game meats to date.
I've eaten all of these save for boar, rabbit, shark, goat, and quail. However, I've also had things not on the list, like ostrich.
@Sheannutt three of 'em. ? Far left vertical, far right vertical, and centre horizontal. (Sorry, I'm using my phone and consulting the image for names is apparently more than my short-term memory wants to handle. ? )