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I think I’ve been messaged by a scammer.
On most sites, I’m inundated by
scammer messages.
I was quite pleased that hasn’t happened here.
Until now?

Perseids18 5 Oct 9

Enjoy being online again!

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so starting with Hello pretty is a give away... (note to self: start with "I'm not a scammer" then follow with "Hello pretty" ). wink!

Nice catch there. Keep up the good work.
I see you're relatively new. First time I bump into you, so welcome to the loonie bin!

@Perseids18 Still can't PM you. I really want to convey a little piece of info. Please!

@Perseids18 dang, I did not get it... yet. Will have to wait until tomorrow.

@Perseids18 I think you need to change your settings to accept community only members to contact you.


Hello dear. How are you going


A scammer careful next stop ask for money I've been caught many times

sunnn Level 4 Oct 10, 2018

Even I had a couple! I am 73 and clearly here for community only....they either can’t read or they just pick people at random!

Why, "clearly" ain't dead yet!

@AnneWimsey I don’t usually get hit on! Maybe I should have felt flattered! Never thought of that. ?

@Perseids18 I suppose they think we are getting senile and will fall for their scams easier!

@Marionville LOL! I just got a really nice shiny boyfriend, we are both 70 and giggle like little kids.
But, nothing flattering about scamming...just creepy opportunists trolling for victims. In fact my policy is, if money is mentioned in Any context, at Any time, even $1, Block. Because successful scammers are smarter than to call you "dear", etc.


I've blocked a few of these..

MsAl Level 8 Oct 10, 2018

Yes, the term ‘pretty’, with bad grammar, is a dead giveaway.


Anybody that calls you "dear" (Or WTF "pretty) right off the bat, BLOCK IMMEDIATELY!


there is no escape. you're handling it right, though.



Sounds like your scammer is a religious troll. Many sites get them and they like to torment you with their beliefs or try and convert you.


Yep scammer. And not a good one ?


Report and block.


Yup, that's a scammer.


Hope you reported and blocked him

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