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What's the best way to celebrate milestone birthdays?

JohnToth 4 Nov 26

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Scotch an Cuban cigar


Anyway you want, of course!


1792... 125!

godef Level 7 Nov 26, 2018

Stay alive for the next ones?


Happy birthday and safe travels


Alone. (Kidding, but not really.)


"In an African tribe when a woman turns 40, friends and family write or draw something uplifting for her and about her, to carry forward in life," I replied. My husband, Terry, had asked what I wanted for my 40th birthday.

Fifty friends traveled from as far away as 300 mile for my 40th birthday dinner. We enjoyed a delicious repast outdoors, with tiny white lights strung in the trees. A magical evening.

Terry gave me this beautiful pine needle basket with a pine cone on the lid. Inside are letters and drawings people brought me. I treasure it.


I had quite a few milestone birthdays in the last year. My dad turned 90, so it was some nice shirts, an all day feast, friends and a bottle of Gentleman Jack. I turned 50, so my friends bought me some very nice clothing, a couple bottles of rum and vodka. They know I like a couple martinis on the weekend. A good friend is turning 50 in a couple days and I'm still debating on what to get her.


I don't know what these "milestone" birthdays are, to which you refer. I've been turning 28 for years now and celebrating it by drinking too much and making bad decisions has been working so far. If it ain't broke...


Scotch. Friends. Food. And scotch.

Did I mention scotch?

I like the way you think.


Wouldn't that be personal.


If money isn't an object, either on a yacht in international waters, or from a scenic penthouse in a world class capital of debauchery (vegas, bangkok, tijuana, monty carlo, rio, amsterdam etc) with enough of your poisons of choice to sedate a wild horse (in my case herb, bourbon or scotch, and maybe some opium or a low dose painkiller if ya got it. Don't worry, you're driving.) And a suitcase of extra party favors with which to bribe the local police. That should just about cover it. Why do you ask?

But seriously if you're gonna drop a chunk of change on yourself, I'd spend it on travel if it were me. Go somewhere you've always wanted to go n do some shit you'll never get a chance to do again.


Travel to a place that you have never been to and do something you have never done! Get out of your comfort zone!

Jinx I swear I didnt copy ya lol. But yeah what she said.


You are in charge of what you think is a milestone. Your age, even on the decade markers, is just a number. The birthday after you just got your dream job, you just had a child, you met your soulmate, you managed to make a perfect lasagna....celebrate those. When you turn 40, or 50, or cares but you? Put the meaning where it belongs - where there is some actual meaning. YMMV...and... Happy birthday! 🤓

Every year is a mile Stone!


Doing whatever the heck you want! (Within the boundaries of the law and basic decency, of course!)

dkp93 Level 8 Nov 26, 2018

Everyone is different. I prefer to celebrate by going out to dinner with that special someone. Most of the time that special someone is myself, but I don't really care.

My 60th birthday is Saturday. By coincidence my daughter will be in town and I'm going to go to Red Lobster with her. Then I'm driving her back to Wichita and spending the weekend with her and my grandson.

Happy birthday! 🙂

@BestWithoutGods Thank you!

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